The new version is fact

Here is changes log:
2010/5/27 - v.1.0.8 New features and bug fixes
-Added: Delayed plan start (in FULL version only)
-Added: Messier catalog browser for object size selection (in FULL version only)
-Added: Automatic image name prefix and suffix - now ISO, Exposure, Date and Time can be part of the image name (in FULL version only)
-Added: Image quality selection help focusing without Live View.
-Added: Better integration of Plan Editor
-Added: Support for ISO 2000 and 2500
-Added: "N of M images" info in the floating status window.
-Updated: User's Guide document (the new things are in green)
-Fixed: Bug when EOS 50D is used.
-Fixed: Bug on COM cable with exposures <1s and anti-vibration=0.
-Fixed: Longer text for the Image Prefix.
-Fixed: Image Prefix is used when Shoot button is clicked.
-Fixed: Other small bugs.