Old 02-10-2021, 02:59 PM
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Have not felt flash enough to go down and look at all the work after it was completed last Tuesday but had my daughter ride along and open the gate, a big deal for me at the moment, and got to see the finished set up.

I will add a genny and some shelves for a few things but the main stuff is all there. I do need to add an Earth Stake which I have purchased, to Earth the inverter 240 vlt out put and later the genny...but it is a simple job.

So here are some more photos..I dont know yet what the switches are.. rather I don't know how they should be set or if I should turn them off at times when not there..I will find out when my installer returns after we get out of our current lock down.

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Old 02-10-2021, 04:19 PM
Startrek (Martin)
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Looks like things are progressing well on the electrical side of the things

I'm assuming your installer will label the switch gear on the electrical switchboard so you know what controls what, and what protects what ?

Maybe a single line drawing ( SLD ) would be helpful too

I would ask him to in any case


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Old 02-10-2021, 06:36 PM
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Yes I will Martin...I spoke to him earlier and mentioned it and he seemed surprised but will explain things at some later time.
That board looks a bit ordinary doesn't it..Certainly could do with some body filler and a decent paint job... I suppose I need to get over wanting things perfect...it is there and obviously is all working as the batteries are at 13-9 volts...inside the shed really needs to be white to match my dust coat and perhaps provide a slight insulation quality..but it will cheer it up.

Well I hope I can get going from here. I fear testing the camera, even though on the trees was ok, I just have a feeling it just cant work first time and I will need some 1 mm bit in the train.
It has been so long I really need to start over...must make a check list..the EQ8r hopefully is on its way which would be perfect timing ... AND I had better buy a single bed which I expect is going to be the most important thing in the mix...plus get the wheel chair in there.
Yes better make a list..I like lists.
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Old 06-10-2021, 09:21 AM
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Capable looking little power system there Alex

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Old 06-10-2021, 01:50 PM
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Time will tell but there will be a genny in that shed and so sparse times will be covered.
This system was quiet cheap as I kept it under a certain amp (50 amps I think) limit that enabled cheaper regulator etc ... The next level saw a significant jump in outlay...I was going to go 48 vlt to use eight solar panels I had laying around with a storage of a killowatt ???( 1000 amp hours at 12 vlts is the way I need to think of it) but that hit $8000 and as I said I did not need to buy solar panels...this little system cost only, from memory, around $2500 and so the saving of $5500 can see a nice key start Honda genny, say $4500... the genny I used to buy "full bore key start" no longer do key start unfortunately as $750 would buy one at Bunnings.
AND this system only powers the observatory as the van has a smaller system ...mainly just a camp fridge.

I like multiple systems mainly because I have lived off grid for so long that I tend to set up many systems.. say one for lights, one for tv, one for computer...because with one system a failure means everything grinds to a halt and being in the bush that situation can be a long time...Once I ran two systems just for lights but after getting into astronomy went back to candles cause I was happy in the dark with good night eyes.
Actually I just remembered I have two smaller systems that were running the scopes and mounts heaters etc so all up I will have 4 systems all up..

Last edited by xelasnave; 06-10-2021 at 02:58 PM.
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Old 06-10-2021, 02:47 PM
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At such a remote location you can’t beat your multiple levels of redundancy with power supply

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Old 07-10-2021, 04:16 AM
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Well I spent a couple of hours at the observatory yesterday afternoon and drove the Earth stake as far into the ground as I could, sitting down using a sledge hammer, and connected the Earth wire ..plus generally tidying up and sorting stuff..AND came down again last night fitted a camera which at first did not respond..The power lead from the new shed was not carrying any power so I plugged the lead straight into the inverter by passing the power outlet board... So after some mucking around had the camera working..However fun when I rolled off the roof..it caught on the end of the shed and there was a moment where it seemed like the end of the shed would collapse..it was getting caught on something but sprung free and opened..I had asked my assistant to trim a protrusion but he bent it and that was what caught up...we will fix it after lock down.
Having tested the camera on some trees I hoped it would work but no ... I needed to adjust spacing but by then it was 11pm and I had had it.. remember this was my first effort past going to doctor appointments...so slow but I managed...also the EQ6r has a slipping clutch which wont go away by tightening..feels like oil on the bits???
Anyways I managed to close the roof, cover everything and called it a night...no photos and they are a long way off..the EQ6r may be taxed with the RASA 11 inch but no worries there is a EQ8r in transit..it is finally on its way...
Will try and sort the spacing today but I have a feeling I will need another bit...anyways a monumental effort and I am very happy that I lasted so long.
It will be interesting to see if I can walk today as my legs are really sore from all the new effort.

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Old 07-10-2021, 04:41 PM
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Invested more time today.
It took ages to get a photo as I had back focus completly wrong.
AND while working had the car " media" player going but I forgot I had turned the lights on full days ago.. yes I drive with my lights on in daylight...and the car battery went flat so after and exhausting effort an absolutely beat I had to round up an extension lead, battery charger and hope for the best ..by the time I got back to the main house I could hardley walk...but progress.
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Old 11-10-2021, 04:23 PM
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A full day doing stuff..pulled the HEQ 5 out of the small observatory to use it to work out where, if, the EQ 8r will fit..it should and it looks as if I can get three to four mounts in the place...
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Old 11-10-2021, 04:49 PM
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Once you have your EQ8-R mount set up and done some imaging runs , I’d really like your honest opinion of the mount.
I’m still considering some time next year to upgrade the EQ6-R to EQ8-R in the Nexdome down south.
From what I’ve read you will be only doing unguided shorts subs ( 10 sec to 60 sec ) but that ok , just your opinions on the mount in general
I assume your EQ8R is the entry model not the Rh version and you are pier mounting it , not tripod mount ?
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Old 11-10-2021, 05:40 PM
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More than happy to give my view on the mount..well on anything at all really

If you order now it will be May before it arrives so I was told.

Yes the cheap one.. retail $8000 with tripod.

At first it will go in one corner on a tripod..
After that various options..stay with the tripod, put the EQ 8 on the pier that currently has the EQ6 and set up the EQ 6 on its tripod in the corner or cut open the floor and instal another pier...

I nearly went for the $12,000 one (if it was in the shop for sure no question...I think if you got a Celestron 11 inch galaxy hunter long FL you really want as good as possible...but I cant wait around...time is not necessarily on my side... If I were you I would go for the ,$12,000 one as from all I have read I can not see it not being somewhat exceptional...and after $12,000 your next stop could be $25,000 ... AND Martin dont worry about spending it ... One does not live forever ..as in my signature..you gotta go for it..Anyways order now if you can with only a small deposit..ask around what min deposit and expected arrival...nine months that is only x a week...

So the girls just got in..the genny for the observatory will have a home at the house...I miss out..but the solar panels and batteries are so good I cant see needing one..So they call at the genny shop and ask questions..told it will be 4 months before they get any stock..damn..damn..damn..But hold on he says we ordered three gennys for the council and they are too small..hang on I will bring one out...you would not believe it but it was the exact one we had decided upon..13 lt tank and four year warranty..so she put on a deposit..why didn't you buy it..she said... I had spent so much money I didn't think the card would take it...but it would have ...so its all happening... pick it up this week I hope... plus I found an auxiliary 11 lt tank on the net ..I may buy two and make genny filling less of a pain.


Last edited by xelasnave; 11-10-2021 at 06:36 PM.
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Old 12-10-2021, 01:16 PM
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Happy happy happy.
Today the EQ 8 arrived at the Rural Agents at Tabulam and because they were getting too much stuff the driver rang me as it was being unloaded asking if I could get it immediately...so I rang my neighbour who just happened to be going into Tabulam to pick up his mail, so yet again the Universe lines up to help little old me...And if it had not been raining he would have been working and unavailable...I did need to buy a tarp at the Rural Agents to cover the load, which was good because I needed one at the van..perfect outcome.
The boxes are now in the observatory but unfortunately I cant unpack until tomorrow.
AND thinking more about the genny I realised that I need a key start genny at the Observatory otherwise I would not have airconditioning in Summer...so my carer rang the shop and fortunately although another one had been sold since she placed the deposit there was one left...so she went in immediately and just now came home with the two of them..damn heavy but I have mine now in my car ...So the progress in only two days has been wonderful...
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Old 12-10-2021, 09:20 PM
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Great news about your mount arriving, very exciting
Now the fun begins , setting up
Good luck and take your time
My Moto , do it once , do it right
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Old 13-10-2021, 11:56 AM
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Yes Martin you are as always correct..I have downloaded and printed the manual and read the assembly section twice now...but patience will be the key as it is will be in all things..going down after lunch and unpack and gaze in wonder..actually this rain may prevent that as the track seemed boggy even before the last rain..plus it is coming down rather heavy now...unusual that it is boggy I guess more rain has fallen that I think has fallen... but I dont want to bog my car down there again...mmm really need some blue metal over that track... I know, silly me, I could take the 4wd I got as a bush basher and see if I can manage manual...if so I can finally get to see all of this place thats why I got it but never used it...
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Old 14-10-2021, 11:23 AM
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Started setting up the mount..it took me from 9 am until 11 am just to free the tripod from many many metres of bubble wrap...nothing for anyone even half fit but it nearly killed me...however it appears that it will fit in the corner I had in mind for it and the HEQ 5 will fit in the other corner, all in a line.
Most impressed with everything I have seen so far...very robust and with three counter weights each at 20 lbs I feel it should manage the RASA easily. I am thinking to add the 80 mm maybe as a guide scope or something to be able to do a visual peek..anyways first need to het the mount on the tripod..I did not try as I was beat and looking forward to lunch...my favorite today a small smoked trout and salad... Getting the new genny out of the car really should be left to someone stronger than me but I like the challenge of a difficult task so maybe after lunch I will do it...somehow.
The big problem is my feet are killing me..I can barely stand up...
Still I feel great compared to only a while back so I will just take my time and keep at it.
But it will be a big performance..I have ramps at the main house so I need to get them into the Xtrail somehow and take them to the observatory electrics shed..unload them return to get my Hyundai with the genny, see if the ramps will hold, then gradually lift the genny up and over the rear, I think I can do this by lifting the genny a little putting some wood under and then the other side until it is high enough to clear the lip...I write it here to rev myself up..it is doable but will take ages..and once i could have reached in picked the genny up carried it into the shed etc...its a 3 kva and it is much bigger and heavier than I expected...
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Old 14-10-2021, 05:06 PM
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I was just getting ready to get the Xtrail and start when my neighbour came up the drive...so we had a cuppa and he said he would get the genny out of the car and help put the mount on the tripod...and he did and it all took about five minutes...see how lucky I am.
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Old 14-10-2021, 10:53 PM
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Looking good!
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Old 15-10-2021, 05:58 AM
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Originally Posted by xthestreams View Post
Looking good!
Thanks for that and thanks for everything...I think I can supply the whole world with bubble wrap to the end of time.. .AND dont forget to send me that all important message.

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Old 16-10-2021, 09:26 PM
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Very flash looking set up. Straight to the Eq8. Good plan.
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Old 17-10-2021, 05:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Sunfish View Post
Very flash looking set up. Straight to the Eq8. Good plan.
So far I am very impressed. I knew little when I decided that I wanted, rather, needed one, ( the EQ6 could not cope with the RASA due to clutch slippage..although there seems more to the problem with the EQ6 than a heavy scope) but actually did my research after the mount arrived...all I knew was what it would carry and that was what sold me.

I have yet to see if this idea works but I hope to have the HEQ 5, the EQ6R and the EQ8R from corner to corner and maybe another EQ 6 in another corner..so I can have the RASA 11, the 115 mm, the 80mm and either the eight inch but probably just a wide field dslr set up...

Going to polar align the EQ8 very soon, maybe tonight if I can stand up ( my feet are racked with pain for some reason) as I want to make sure things are lined up before I have the RASA moved onto it.
But very happy to be making progress after months of being too sick to move or care.
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