Old 24-10-2020, 04:59 PM
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Looks like a bought one !! Great job well done !!

Also I like your EQ6-R mount , I have 2 of them ( the old and the new model )
I’m glad they sold you the latest version with the USB2B port connection and not old stock !!
If you want to use EQMOD and Stellarium for Goto ( put the handcontroller in the drawer ) I’m happy to assist to get it up and running for you

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Old 25-10-2020, 11:22 AM
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Thanks Martin.
Ironically before I logged on I had just put the hand controller in the drawer by the bed for safe keeping...In time it would be nice to leave it there.
Thanks for your offer of help hopefully it wont be too long before I need your help. Things are becoming more settled for me so I can get set up properly.
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Old 26-10-2020, 03:18 PM
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Looks like it works and is solid.

A tubular coupling nut makes a great azimuth peg and bolts from below. I think mine is M8 . Have to check.

A friend of mine casts metal in polyester casting sand packed around styrene. I should try that for aluminium if my neighbour will fire up his forge.
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Old 26-10-2020, 08:18 PM
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The bolt here is M12..today I purchased the correct bolt and have fitted it..at the moment I am polar aligning the mount via my long exposure star trail method using my nikon...need to find CSP so I can fit the little post that sits between the azimuth knobs...it is pretty well there but I am going for as perfect as it can be and after a cuppa I will take the mount off again drill the hole, tap it and fit the post so hopefully I can go to bed with it all behind me..it's pretty clear here but with the Moon and moisture I am not going to get the mount running..besides my lap top is not with me..if it was I think I would have to photograph something.

So happy that the casting has worked out so well and that the pier is finished...
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Old 08-11-2020, 02:26 PM
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Unbelievable what a little waiting can do... The damn foam that I could not find a suitable glue...well I don't need any glue now for the ceiling foam as I turned it lengthways and by sliding it in from the very ends of the roof I don't need glue...I did find builders filler foam works perfect for glue and I bought three big tubes of it..but only put up 3 pieces that way..but I still have to glue the walls however ...and need about another 20 sheets..but its as good as done really..next trip to town if they have 20 sheets...still its the little things that keep you at it...I cant set up for 240 volt yet so I rounded up all my spare batteries...so after all my talk against 12 volt thats what is going at the moment...I am not going to rush the layout until I have done a photo run...need a separate desk for the microscopes.. yes..now two of them..someone I helped heard I was interested in getting a trinocular and camera and surprised me..doing favoirs for nothing pays rather well I find.

And basically the observatory is all working as at 30 minutes ago...decided to set up the 80mm whilst I align the mount and set up generally...put the diagonal and illuminated reticle in, check and ready for alignment and pec training, pole master needs a plug for the eq6..I will make something out of fibre glass...set up the Nickon on the 80 mm just to run things simple and leave the 115 mm and zwo alone in the other observatory ready to use if the sky clears..plus maybe a wider field around the spider with the 80 mm and Nikon..I want to do a few photos before I commit to permanent stuff.
Needless to say its very cloudy here.
Edit addition...the tapping for the little post went perfect.
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Old 08-11-2020, 03:51 PM
Startrek (Martin)
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That’s a really nice set up now , well finished and you have my favourite mount the EQ6-R pro sitting on that rock of a pier you built
Well done !!!
Now I’ve just have to convince you to eventually put the handcontroller back in the box and set you up with EQMOD and Stellarium to navigate across the night sky
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Old 08-11-2020, 05:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Startrek View Post
That’s a really nice set up now , well finished and you have my favourite mount the EQ6-R pro sitting on that rock of a pier you built
Well done !!!
Now I’ve just have to convince you to eventually put the handcontroller back in the box and set you up with EQMOD and Stellarium to navigate across the night sky
Thanks Martin...the current set up is just to get things rolling..get perfect PA ..pec training etc. And when I decide on exact furniture and lay out...where the lap top or desk top will sit the hand controller will come back to the bedside table...I am convinced..in fact I did have that all working at one point but my life has been very complex for a couple of years and it's only now that there is light at the end of the tunnel....

I have to get another lap top and another zwo camera...still deciding if one shot colour or another narrow band set up...part of this is to keep me going that's why I keep biting off more than I can chew...been playing with the new microscope and it is excellent ..I am now set up where I can take photos but the little animals are moving too fast...
Hopefully I will get the eight inch set up soon but I think I will have to get a better focuser ..the standard one on the 115 mm would be perfect.

If there is just one little hole in the cloud tonight I am going for it...I would just like to get something as it will feel like it is a finished project.

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Old 09-11-2020, 07:19 AM
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I woke up at 2-30 am to find more sky than cloud so out I went. Did a polar align and set the manual dials and took about 40 minutes of the Spider using the mount unguided and the Nikon at 30 seconds ..May get more tonight..after alignment and pec training..it was fantastic to finally try out the mount ...the new mount is so quiet ..the roof worked perfect and changing the cable anchor points was no big deal...closed up around 5 am very happy indeed...still lots to finish and set up but at least at the moment I have everything functional ...off to town now to see if I can get 20 more sheets of foam and perhaps a genny...and some food.
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Old 05-02-2021, 05:13 PM
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Pad for 24 vlt electrical system complete..will get shed next week and will then be able to order batteries etc.
Bought mower and the first cut went ok.
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Old 05-02-2021, 05:33 PM
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Looks like your making good progress up north
Gee some serious grass to cut down there but you’ve done a great job with that ride on
Enjoying watching your progress
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Old 05-02-2021, 07:17 PM
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Originally Posted by xelasnave View Post
Pad for 24 vlt electrical system complete..will get shed next week and will then be able to order batteries etc.
Bought mower and the first cut went ok.
Watch out for those snakes!
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Old 05-02-2021, 08:26 PM
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Originally Posted by glend View Post
Watch out for those snakes!
I put on thick socks and heavy boots, two pairs of pants, shirt and jumper and heavy jacket and some thick leather gloves,which was not as hot as you would think, in an effort to minimise the risk of getting a bite....but I did not see any snakes.
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Old 13-02-2021, 08:53 AM
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When I bought the mower I also purchased a trailer for it but it was only delivered yesterday. This unit will help me so much over my small gardener type wheel barrow for getting soil and rocks and moving the remains of a few trees the earth mover could not get to ... Well priced I thought.

So I picked up the garden shed that is to house the electrical system..of course the shed I wanted and built the pad to take was not in stock ..so I bought a smaller one which will still do the job and happy on the bright side that I will have a nice concrete " landing" upon which maybe I can put a pizza oven..who knows..
But putting this shed together was just so time consuming ... Over six hours so far and there is small stuff to finish like putting on the roof..admittedly I only had one good hand as I have damaged my left hand however even with two good hands it would still be tedious...what annoyed me was some parts required rivets and so not having one up here I had to make a special trip to Lismore to get one..which broke...hence why there is still stuff to do...
I need another shed for the mower but I think it will now only get a tarp...

Hopefully next week I will order all the batteries, inverter, fuzes etc... In retrospect I should have just used a genny ...and we are only at the start ..no doubt there will be more problems than I have not planned for...

Anyways I am getting plenty of sleep as there have been no nights worthy of opening the roof ...

So happy to finally have completed the goal of clearing the trees and setting up a little park, I feel safer having reduced the fire and snake risk.

Going to rest for a week as my right hand seems a bit sore as well.

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Old 13-02-2021, 09:00 AM
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BTW, we are back into lock-down... so all I wanted to do with my obs is postponed again
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Old 26-07-2021, 04:49 AM
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Well I found that my neck was swollen to abnormal proportion and found it was cancer which took me away to hospital for the operation back 1st April and ever since I have been bed ridden in effect, sure I go out to the doctors, specialists, physio and very very regular blood tests but the shed you see in my last photo was blown over in a heap somewhat representing my dreams seemingly incapable of resurrection...anyways I embraced the change necessary in my life to get someone to help..and pay for their service..so I did and I can not thank the man enough because apart from tidying the inside of the van and cutting the overgrowth around it he has erected the fallen shed and with it my attitude. So now I am able to order the batteries and associated bits that will be the power system for the observatory. I probably mentioned that I was going to go for a 48vlt system using 8 solar panels that sit idel at the main house...that system required an outlay of $7000 approx and I have now opted for 500 amp hours, 12 volts and 2 new 370 watt solar panels... hopefully sufficient but I need room in my budget for a key start genny ( given I cant pull the skin off a thin custard) and unfortunately Bunnings dint have them st $750 these days and it seems I must go for a Honda at $3500 approx...It is almost a necessity as if I go back to the van while it is cold I need to run an electric heater and key start. I hope to buy and test a kero heater tomorrow if I can find something I like...I am thinking one for the observatory could be the difference between imagining and not doing a damn thing..a side effect of the meds is sensitivity to cold and given how cold the van and observatory get, zero is common, that would kill me I feel.
So hopefully the electrics are completed now that the shed is up...it represents a turning point for me ..a new start..all is good again.
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Old 27-07-2021, 06:48 AM
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Good news about getting your power situation sorted.Some folk do acts of kindness out of the goodness of their heart.
Also in a short while the weather will start to warm up a little bit being up in the north west of NSW which will help you
You are making good progress
Step by step things will fall into place and never think twice about paying for help especially if that help will enable you to observe and image the universe
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Old 24-09-2021, 07:15 AM
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This is mainly a note to myself to collect my thought as truely I am somewhat scattered..

Everyone must be able to tell as I have been rambling on more than usual..if that is possible..

I am on some opiates and I think they are dulling my motivation...I find myself sitting and just staring into the distance... but I tried to stop them but the pain was rather noticeable so I have resigned myself to being a drug addict ..funny..I said to a mate that I did not want a long term drug adiction and he said rather cleverly...A long term drug problem is exactly what you need..the implication obviously being upon the long term aspect..who cares so long as I am alive long term was his point... .so its a trade off...

Well things have bogged down a great deal....maybe the rupturred gall bladder and kidney failure need to be factored in as well as staring into the distance.

..so everything is ready to be installed, what have I not covered??? got all the batteries finally... Rainbow Power Company delivered the last two right to the house..very good of them...had to have friend pick up the solar panels ( saw them for first time yesterday and they are twice as big as expected) inverter, regulator..cables, shed...hopefully we can get started soon...but it is only now that I realise how sick I have been..I went down a little each day such that you dont notice until you cant eat a damn thing and find yourself being pushed around in a wheelchair semi conscious...yes I just thought I liked my eyes closed...you see you can be too positive and soldier on past where one should take oneself.

But today I hope to do a few things...at least drive myself to the observatory, get up the ramp by myself, put the wheel chair inside to make things easier...I dont need one really but they are so handy so I plan to use it rather than a normal desk chair.b..

I have materials to make the dew cover for the scope, have the new lap top so need to place it, set up cables etc, ...I have tried out one camera on some trees but both need testing...also I hope I can climb onto the mower and mow around the van...it is so annoying these simple things are now major undertakings...have yet to buy the genny..just remembered.

There may be a EQ8 r on its way also...that will be fun ..I have two endless chains ready.

The main problem I can see is just imaging...the meds cause all sorts of problems, mind numbing fatigue and I get so very very damn cold at night..I feel cold at 18 degrees can you believe and thats funny when I used to image all night bare foot on icy ground only two years ago..it is debilitating..so it will be a big test..but I gotta try..do or die has a whole new meaning...the girls took my "observatory" bed up to the main house for me so I need another bed in the observatory..that way I can make things easier on myself.

There is a bed in the van but its a long way when you are a little useless.

Anyways I just hope I can stay out of hospital and get back on track.

The girls are going out today and leave soon ...so with them away and not on my case I should be able to get down there...they forgot to hide my car keys cause I hid them first

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Old 24-09-2021, 03:35 PM
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They out smarted me..I had my car keys but they locked the gate so I did not go down...probably best as I became so tired later... anyways a good day learnt lots from Marc and Ivo and more fired up than ever.
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Old 24-09-2021, 06:15 PM
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Originally Posted by xelasnave View Post
They out smarted me..I had my car keys but they locked the gate so I did not go down...probably best as I became so tired later... anyways a good day learnt lots from Marc and Ivo and more fired up than ever.
Yes agree entirely, both Marc and Ivo have contributed to where I am at the moment amongst hundreds of others over the years including a chap named “Alex” from up Tabulam way

Good to see your trying to keep focused on this amazing hobby and hope you get your Obs up and running sooner than later

Best always
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Old 28-09-2021, 02:01 PM
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Thank you Martin your comment is very kind.

Well today we made some progress and most of the electrical stuff should be finished by the days end.

The solar panels are up and connected, the batteries are in place sitting on a small raised floor, the regulator connected, the invertor connected and everything fixed in place...not my usual connect the wires and secure it after approach, but happily I am not doing anything and just now came back to the main house because I need a nap..so getting very close to having everything the way I want it...
I took the old electrical board from "the shack" that I was going to live in ... It was very handy to mount stuff and the batteries fit under out of the way.

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