This is mainly a note to myself to collect my thought as truely I am somewhat scattered.

Everyone must be able to tell as I have been rambling on more than usual..if that is possible..
I am on some opiates and I think they are dulling my motivation...I find myself sitting and just staring into the distance... but I tried to stop them but the pain was rather noticeable so I have resigned myself to being a drug addict ..funny..I said to a mate that I did not want a long term drug adiction and he said rather cleverly...A long term drug problem is exactly what you need..the implication obviously being upon the long term aspect..who cares so long as I am alive long term was his point... .so its a trade off...
Well things have bogged down a great deal....maybe the rupturred gall bladder and kidney failure need to be factored in as well as staring into the distance. everything is ready to be installed, what have I not covered??? got all the batteries finally... Rainbow Power Company delivered the last two right to the house..very good of them...had to have friend pick up the solar panels ( saw them for first time yesterday and they are twice as big as expected) inverter, regulator..cables, shed...hopefully we can get started soon...but it is only now that I realise how sick I have been..I went down a little each day such that you dont notice until you cant eat a damn thing and find yourself being pushed around in a wheelchair semi conscious...yes I just thought I liked my eyes see you can be too positive and soldier on past where one should take oneself.
But today I hope to do a few least drive myself to the observatory, get up the ramp by myself, put the wheel chair inside to make things easier...I dont need one really but they are so handy so I plan to use it rather than a normal desk chair.

I have materials to make the dew cover for the scope, have the new lap top so need to place it, set up cables etc, ...I have tried out one camera on some trees but both need testing...also I hope I can climb onto the mower and mow around the is so annoying these simple things are now major undertakings...have yet to buy the genny..just remembered.
There may be a EQ8 r on its way also...that will be fun ..I have two endless chains ready.
The main problem I can see is just imaging...the meds cause all sorts of problems, mind numbing fatigue and I get so very very damn cold at night..I feel cold at 18 degrees can you believe and thats funny when I used to image all night bare foot on icy ground only two years is it will be a big test..but I gotta or die has a whole new meaning...the girls took my "observatory" bed up to the main house for me so I need another bed in the observatory..that way I can make things easier on myself.
There is a bed in the van but its a long way when you are a little useless.
Anyways I just hope I can stay out of hospital and get back on track.
The girls are going out today and leave soon with them away and not on my case I should be able to get down there...they forgot to hide my car keys cause I hid them first