Old 20-09-2020, 10:37 AM
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Going up ok but it is going to cost a small fortune in glue.
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Old 20-09-2020, 05:17 PM
glend (Glen)
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You know Alex, lightweight batt type insulation is often held in place by a few lengths of wire stretched between the rafters. I use brickies string in my observatory to hold my folded aluminium batts in place.
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Old 20-09-2020, 06:42 PM
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Thanks Glen..most timely the damn glue did not work and I have been wondering how to fix the situation. I went out and the foam had come away and the glue still wet...I am not sure it will take to the iron but I will wait until it dries.
The glue needs more time I think and I am doing a trial now ..but how to hold these foam blocks in place had me thinking.Your idea gives me an idea.I think some rope and some wood blocks may do it..hold it in place until it dries..I don't mind spending the money on glue if it works.

Thanks you again have helped me.

I was going to use contact adhesive which I thought should be good but the guy in Bunnings said with the heat of the iron it would not work and recommended this stuff I used...I reckon contact adhesive should work..anyways it's going up even if I have to screw it in place..just sent to irritate me is all..
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Old 20-09-2020, 07:24 PM
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Well I went out and put up one panel again with this glue, high order hard as nails capable of instantly sticking an anvil to a post if you read their claims..rubbish..the stuff I put up this morning still has not dried out but it seems it will stick..but its still plyable..anyways using the idea of Glens wire I put up some rope glued up just one panel and with some foam off cuts and off cuts from the floor.. I made sure the foam is well supported ..it can stay there for a couple of days ..heck if it does not hold after 48 hours there is something wrong and if so I will calmly explain that to Bunnings and ask for a refund.

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Old 22-09-2020, 05:57 PM
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One park coming up.
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Old 23-09-2020, 10:27 AM
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Finally some action.
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Last edited by xelasnave; 23-09-2020 at 12:14 PM.
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Old 23-09-2020, 11:44 AM
glend (Glen)
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Originally Posted by xelasnave View Post
Finally some action.
Wow Alex, there is enough space there for a Star Party venue. Northern NSW Astrofest.
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Old 23-09-2020, 02:40 PM
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Originally Posted by glend View Post
Wow Alex, there is enough space there for a Star Party venue. Northern NSW Astrofest.
I need to measure it other than by Google Earth..it gives and area of only 750 sqmts and I think it is probably 4 times that..maybe more... anyways this guy is the best worker I have ever run into..he is nearly finished.

The air con in his cab went down poor devil.

Anyways another step forward..plus I cut back my big mount and scope ideas but ordered another eq6 yesterday..thinking of getting another as well and another camera but even so much cheaper than where I was with a 16 inch and appropriate mount and camera.
The one foam panel I put up seems to be holding but the next ones I am going to use contact cement and hard as nails.

I will work out how many cars I can fit and certainly I would be happy for folk to visit for an astronomy weekend...but there is no shower block yet.
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Old 23-09-2020, 04:16 PM
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Originally Posted by xelasnave View Post
I need to measure it other than by Google Earth.......

I will work out how many cars I can fit and certainly I would be happy for folk to visit for an astronomy weekend...but there is no shower block yet.
Haha, lack of amenities encourages "Social Distancing".
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Old 23-09-2020, 04:19 PM
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You sure your not building your own secret air strip and hangar for joy flights in a restored WW11 Spitfire ??
Wow that’s what I call clearing some land !!
It’s all happening up there at Tabby !!
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Old 23-09-2020, 06:34 PM
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I think the photos are misleading as it's not air field proportions.
When I can walk on it better still drive on it I can get a better grip.
Anyways it is going to be safer in a fire which is my motivation.
Itvwaa clear when I openned the small observatory an hour ago what the bet it will be cloudy when I go out...
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Old 30-09-2020, 10:28 AM
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I am doing so many small jobs but it is at the stage where you seem to work non stop and it just gets messier ( I wish I could get some messier objects but ...)...So I picked up the new mount ..eq6...yesterday and it is still in the back of the car unopenned ..when I stopped yesterday I was so tired I could not be bothered to get it out of the car even as excited as I was..I managed to open a can of soup heat it, eat it and fell asleep...today started at 5 am and been going with minimal rests which is great as although I am getting knocked up after a ten minute rest I can continue...sorted out the glue problem..first tried contact adhesive but it eats the foam dramatically... but the builders spray foam does the job...so far.

My daughter helped me get one load of rocks last week but I needed more so I have just got a load in shopping bags..way to go..great to get the rocks into the observatory near the "hole".

Trimmed the door to accommodate the new floor height and fitted it which I was so happy about cause it was heavy and troublesome but I hung it unassisted..had to make up some resin and tiling grout to fill after the cut as there were some holes but I sealed it perfect.mmm although working non stop I realised I had a hour or more on the new microscope whilst having lunch yesterday..it is so much fun..

I have dug a small hole where the pier will go and had to deconstruct some of the cement support for the support piers so as to keep them unattached to the cement for the mount pier.

So today after digging the hole and clearing generally..laying on my belly was the only way I could manage as when I got in the hole I could not sqwat..but was reasonably comfortable on my belly reaching down to place rocks and cement ...so I have laid two star pickets to make a cross laying on top of the ground encased in rocks and cement ... Probably not needed but why not..I have cemented all I can today but tomorrow should be able to fit the form work and drive in the star pickets that the cement will grab onto...I have been thinking to cast something in alluminium to go between the pier and the mount as the earth mover is bringing me a stump to put an anvil on and my forge will be set up in another day or so...I spoke to the guy at the tip and he said I could scrounge for scrap alluminium...Starizona have a unit but not cheap and really nothing I have seen yet looks as neat as I would like..I have not done it before but cant be too hard.

I was going to do the painting but the dust from all the clearing prevents that..the earth mover broke his thumb but started again the next day ... He has cut a track for me to the main house so I dont have to drive down the road now...they sealed the road yesterday and just now sealed the drive up to my gate.
Had the microscope apart and find it is rather flash as it has a second condensor in the base and what seems a polarising set up..I need a step down transformer as inspection suggests I an not do anything inside..the internals are jam packed due to the second condensor.
Lots more to report but too trivial.
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Old 30-09-2020, 10:35 AM
glend (Glen)
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Take it easy Alex, no injuries please, allow plenty of rest. I recommend taking rest days, with no project work. Your not a kid anymore.
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Old 30-09-2020, 10:49 AM
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The trouble is I have so much to do...the earth mover got most of the tree out of the dam but there is still a heap of stuff to remove and I cant rest until that is fixed..I am going to dump some sand there so I have got a beach...and the jetty has to be rebuilt and the fire pump that the tree crushed has to re reinstalled or replaced ..I havent even tried to start it...but it has to have a new home I am not having it the way of my beach... I feel really great except for the legs on fire and I argue with them or me and say to myself..if you think pain can stop me your are very wrong..that really helps because by keeping going I win...I think keeping active and interested in projects and new hobbies keeps you healthy...but I have run out of hobbies.
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Old 30-09-2020, 12:35 PM
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Here is the cross being set in position.
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Old 30-09-2020, 05:30 PM
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What I did not mention..the earth mover cleared the park and did all I had in mind for the money I said we could spend but I still had a couple of days up my sleeve when I worked out the hours so I asked him to put in a little dam when I had in mind for the fish I mentioned in the earlier thread...wow this guy literally moves mountains, a real worker and so when I went to look I find I have a dam four times bigger than I was expecting..and well within the rules..but the girls have claimed it as their swimming hole...so maybe the sand needs to go there for the beach.

Went out to do the form work just now but it does not fit thru the hole so that is the first job in the morning ..then drive in the star pickets, position the form work, grab the pipe off the van for the pier form work cut it to suit..get more cement from town...and it should be finished by lunch time ...

Still haven't even got the new mount out of the car ..it will only be in the way really so ,lucky I was too tired to open it up.

Good night

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Old 30-09-2020, 06:19 PM
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Looking good there, Alex! Man, I'm stuck in an apartment in the city - I envy your setup!

Good viewing to you mate!
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Old 30-09-2020, 07:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Stonius View Post
Looking good there, Alex! Man, I'm stuck in an apartment in the city - I envy your setup!

Good viewing to you mate!
I have been stuck in an apartment also ...and I spent many years where everything I did was for others so I feel happy a time has come where I get to do just for me.. I suggest you buy some cheap acres as soon as you can for that time when you retire.

One corner of the roll off will be the "biology department"

I have given some thought to melting alluminium particularly as today I found a stack of old alluminium solar panel mounting frames past their use by date...mmm need some scales to see if there is enough to do the job.

I will need to make a crucible..how big? It should be just big enough so I need to find out the volume of what it is that I will make...interesting how those little things one learnt in science now becomes useful..I have figured that out...I will ready some clay tomorrow and make form work for the pad that my forge can sit on...mmm need a leaf blower for bellows and start gathering cow manure for fuel....I recall Lord Rose made his big mirror using cow manure as fuel...burns real hot... should be interesting to see if I can do it.
But I need a clay crucible..I tried to melt some brass using a steel crucible and the cow manure I used was so hot it melted the steel.
Hmmmm also cut up the alluminium and work out the volume there as well.
But after seeing these videos of Indians making bowls using sand molds I think it is doable.
I can use the top of the tripod as a template but will have to fashion the rest using wood.
Probably make a few molds so mistakes don't stop me...if they are all good maybe someone here could use one.
I have thought to make it using resin...and instead of fibre glass use those stainless steel pads you use to clean pots and pans..that would be real strong I feel...lot easier..but I am hopeful I can pour one and more in alluminium.
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Old 01-10-2020, 05:40 AM
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Early to bed early to rise...when there are clouds.

Started a little after 5am and..finally got the mount and tripod out of the car into the rolloff, sorted the form work to fit thanks mostly to that excellent Ozito cordless chain saw, moved all the star pickets (6) inside, moved most of the rocks (sufficient leaving back ups were they were unloaded) to the doorway ready to drop in the form work, removed a little more of a pier footing to ensure building and Mount separation, managed to drive in one star picket ...started it with the block splitter then just sat down with a piece of rope on the pile driver and did bicep exercises ...slow but I could no longer get a swing at it and I wasnt going to do that on my belly.
Then I thought the neighbours may not like the noise and took a break for a cuppa and some internet.
Next see if the clay is wet enough to sort thru for rocks etc and make a crucible, and remove the pier mold currently the fishing rod holder on the van, and cut it to size...see if the cordless chain saw does plastic.
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Old 01-10-2020, 08:12 AM
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Clay is too moist after adding sawdust which was wet unfortunately so its out to dry out but there should be enough to make a crucible hopefully.

Star pickets are in but I held two back incase I cant get some 8 footers to go in the tube. I am going to Bunnings now to try for eight foot star pickets , cement and long bolts or threaded rod for the first connection point...cant pour concrete without them in place.

Getting the tube off the van took a lot of time as the fasteners were behind the gas bottles so I had to remove them first...and pulled the carby apart on the genny and put it back together but was too tired to pull the cord.. so I will try it later..not hopeful and did not have time to replace the plug...later..so now a nice relaxing drive to Lismore and maybe a sit down lunch to catch up on the missing meals of late....need rain all this earth work has created a dust nightmare.
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