Old 09-09-2020, 03:39 PM
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Re cable drives for the roof.
I haven't fitted a motor to mine (yet!) but just pull to open, pull to close.

The ends of the "cable" are fixed to the centre of the moving roof, one at either end.
The cable then goes over two pulleys mounted on the observatory wall and looped downwards.
Pulling one direction moves the roof back and pulling the other side of the loop "pushes" the roof back into place.
I was going to wrap the "loop" around a winch drum to power the set-up....
I can give you a quick sketch of the cable arrangement.
(My roof is 3 x 3 mtr)
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Old 09-09-2020, 05:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Merlin66 View Post
Re cable drives for the roof.
I haven't fitted a motor to mine (yet!) but just pull to open, pull to close.

The ends of the "cable" are fixed to the centre of the moving roof, one at either end.
The cable then goes over two pulleys mounted on the observatory wall and looped downwards.
Pulling one direction moves the roof back and pulling the other side of the loop "pushes" the roof back into place.
I was going to wrap the "loop" around a winch drum to power the set-up....
I can give you a quick sketch of the cable arrangement.
(My roof is 3 x 3 mtr)
Hi Ken
I could not sort out the cable such that it could fix to the centre of the roof easily so I went for two winches one on either side.

I wanted to go for around the drum system like a yacht winch but you need extrodinary tension and I could not achieve such even with additional springs..

No matter what I did I could not make the cable wrapped around the drum work with steel cable. I then tried sash cord to get traction and although it sortta worked the cord turned over on itself..I gave it much time but finally went for just dragging the roof via the winches with cable fixed on and winding onto the drum and moving the pulling point by having a pulley and a hook that I relocate...that works very well...two winches each capable of 2000 lbs...I have dedicated a 120 amp battery for the winches and a 120 watt solar panel...I am making an emergency block and takle more for amusement really and because I just love blocks and takle but if the battery should fail etc I have a block and tackle in place ... plus I plan to have a bench and will use it to move mounts to the bench for work...I can lift them now but one needs to be prepared in case one gets old.

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Old 09-09-2020, 06:11 PM
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O, Too have an observatory in a dark sky... Nice one
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Old 13-09-2020, 10:32 AM
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I am thinking to use that 8x4 sheet of ply for a little deck out the front as it would overlook the dam and be just a real nice place to sit day or night...great for photographing birds from it or doing some visual whilst inside is running.
I have nearly completed the ramp but I think I will pull it down and move it to run it off this little deck I have in mind..anyways I just now rounded up some hard wood to make the frame and piers and feel rather tired ..so I took time out for a visit here.
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Old 13-09-2020, 05:43 PM
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Here is the ramp but I have to pull it off to fit the little deck.
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Old 14-09-2020, 07:28 AM
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Up real early.
You can see the painted deck and where it will go as I have put the bearers in place ..the supports will be replaced with stuff of required height ..the ramp will come off the front of the deck..I am off to find some hardwood for the railing hopefully there are some decent sections in my pile.
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Old 14-09-2020, 10:15 AM
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Nice to see your improvement projects making progress. Take care with the physical stuff. Maybe get your lady friend to help out, haha.
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Old 14-09-2020, 12:24 PM
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Originally Posted by glend View Post
Maybe get your lady friend to help out, haha.
She still does not talk to me which as you know suits me fine,

Since last post have selected all the hardwood which was up at the main house and brought it on site and placed everything where it will go plus found some small cement squares to use as footings and put them in place....at the moment it is just too hot to work but I do want to at least use up the screws I have which will see a connecting plank across all bearers but off to Bunnings after that...maybe I will go in now so I can start early tomorrow and have the whole day uniterupted...
Good news is the earth mover says next week for sure...we will see.
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Old 15-09-2020, 10:32 AM
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Early start 5 am to beat the heat. Had a great run and did not need the usual long rests and stopping was only to think things thru...although simple when you are doing it by yourself and not flash physically you need to plan ahead...like putting the deck up before the last side rail so it slides on flat rather that require major lifting.
Anyways had to share my efforts as I am really happy with how things are going.
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Old 15-09-2020, 05:05 PM
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Good to see you are making steady progress and thinking things through before you advance
Enjoying your journey !!

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Old 16-09-2020, 07:17 AM
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OMG. This is amazing. Not to mention cutting a sheet of plywood with a hand saw. You will have time for a Microscope ? To show my unfamiliarity - the hole is for the post, for the Telescope? It needs mounting on concrete ? Where was your scope mounted previously, or at present ? How far from your residence is this?
I am in Awe over this whole thing.
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Old 16-09-2020, 11:45 AM
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Originally Posted by leee View Post
OMG. This is amazing. Not to mention cutting a sheet of plywood with a hand saw. You will have time for a Microscope ? To show my unfamiliarity - the hole is for the post, for the Telescope? It needs mounting on concrete ? Where was your scope mounted previously, or at present ? How far from your residence is this?
I am in Awe over this whole thing.
I have more hours in my day than most folk so plenty of time for microscopes.

Yes the hole is for the post or as we say the pier. I have to gather about two ton of rock using my little car so it will take time to finish...but I have a pile of rock up at the main house ..I get it with shopping bags..a couple at a time..six months I will have my two ton...I have already moved a ton for other stuff here to date.
I will drive six or more star pickets into the ground leaving a foot out for each then add rocks and cement until a foot up then add in the tube and more rock and cement until it gets to floor level. Stay tunned I will post pictures.

Look at my thread further down "New observatory (simple)" to see where I house two mounts and scopes.


You will notice a caravan in that post somewhere..that is now my main residence...I was going to build a cottage but the caravan is great...I may buy a flash one later but I just dont have the time to shop at the moment...But maybe something a bit flash in time..I got this one from a lady for free because she heard how I helped someone...I have been thinking about a log cabin as I have the trees on the ground ..maybe but I just want all this finished and tidy..there is stuff everywhere..its not neat the way I like but I can only do the urgent things now. I have to rebuild my fire fighting set up as a tree fell on the pump and all the pipe has had to come out of the dam ..and the second pump drowned..so lots of work there.

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Old 16-09-2020, 02:27 PM
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Getting there, installed the hand rails which I really need, but best of all fastened the ramp to the deck structure ... Coming up with how to do it took time but I ended up with a simple but strong connection. Getting it in position took some effort and there were times I thought I would need help but it all worked well finally. The ply needs fastening plus some additional inserts but very happy as I was able to have a cuppa sitting on the deck while looking at the birds...it was well worth the effort.
I cant do anymore as I need a trip to Bunnings ...I have settled on buying foam to line it ...all I want is insulation and foam blocks I can stick on the ceiling easy..and the walls...I can add wood panelling later maybe...I best start getting the rocks and make the form work for the base ...maybe drive in the star pickets and see if they will go down as far as I want...maybe get another six.
Addition via edit.
I can not speak too highly about the little Ozitto cordless chain saw pictured. All the hardwood (its like steel) was cut with this wonderful little saw, I wont use it on the ply cause of chain oil getting on the surface that I want to paint...and I have cut firewood with it out of trees nine inch diameter...and I give up before the battery..one of the best products I have even purchased..I bought extra batteries and a charger..cant remember really but only $200 approx ..it was $110 but the other stuff took it to $200...I just can not believe that what looks like a toy performs so well.
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Last edited by xelasnave; 16-09-2020 at 02:39 PM.
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Old 16-09-2020, 02:56 PM
glend (Glen)
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Alex, how about a travelator instead of a ramp? A nice conveyor belt on rollers driven by one of your motors. Maybe a future upgrade.

I have the electric cord version of that Ozito chain saw, and it is indeed a useful tool. I went with the cord version because I find battery powered devices are unreliable over the years.
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Old 16-09-2020, 03:00 PM
jahnpahwa (JP)
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This is all really looking so nice, Alex! I'm a bit envious of having days to spend working on such a (no doubt) rewarding project. Thanks for keeping us up to date on it
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Old 17-09-2020, 05:39 AM
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Originally Posted by glend View Post
Alex, how about a travelator instead of a ramp? A nice conveyor belt on rollers driven by one of your motors. Maybe a future upgrade.

I have the electric cord version of that Ozito chain saw, and it is indeed a useful tool. I went with the cord version because I find battery powered devices are unreliable over the years.
I like the belt idea...I don't even know if my wheel chair will fit as it is still in Sydney...but thinking it thru one won't be able to roll up that incline without some power assist..anyways I am thinking to put in a cot and a small bench for a stove and wash basin and live in the roll off...just use the van as a big cupboard.

Yes a power cord..what a luxury...a,though I do use them from the genny...actually I may get one with a cord you can't have to many cutting things...what gets me is I have not had to sharpen it yet..probably less stress but given the time that I have used it why it does not need sharpening is odd...but suits me...it would be good for butchering a cattle or a sheep..just put olive oil in the bar oil chamber...I remember butchering a sheep with a power saw once..inside..the mince meat was everywhere floor ceiling walls..did not notice until the job was done.

Been clear here but lots of dew..ordinarily I would have a go but because of the work I am asleep by eight ..up at 4-30 for a 5 am start you see.

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Old 17-09-2020, 05:55 AM
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Originally Posted by jahnpahwa View Post
This is all really looking so nice, Alex! I'm a bit envious of having days to spend working on such a (no doubt) rewarding project. Thanks for keeping us up to date on it
When you think about the time I have on my hands please realise that it was hard won...in law I worked five and a half days a week and most days were from 8 am to 6 pm and in real estate often 7 days a week ...and in that game most days did not finish until 9 pm (own business that's what you do)..heck I can remember an appointment at 2-30 am ( had to be with wifey to receive call from husband re offer)...real estate is extremely demanding if you want to be the best).....

And at 73 years of age I think there is no need to be envious of my situation in the least. I know it sounds ideal living alone in a caravan with no running water and days where you stay in bed because you can not walk and cooking whatever you like for dinner or alternatively opting, cause you can, for breakfast cereal for dinner by reaching to the bed head and grabbing the cereal and long life milk that you had the sense to put there for those times where you just wanted to lay down all day.

And thank you for your interest...and please know that I tell my stories hopefully so others can say to themselves..."If that silly old half crippled mug can do it I guess that maybe I could build one myself"...

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Old 17-09-2020, 06:14 AM
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I can still enjoy photography thru the window at the end of my bed.
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Old 19-09-2020, 06:33 PM
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I just now finished the floor overlay ..I am going to break my clean up after rule as I am rather worn out...so happy to have this finished and more so that not much triming was required on the last row of boards a little jiggling was all it took.

Here is the foam for lining...I need a lot more but this was all they had..but at least I can get started.
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Old 20-09-2020, 08:18 AM
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All cleaned up except for mew mess from cutting foam.
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