Old 15-07-2020, 11:37 AM
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Originally Posted by glend View Post
Alex, what sort of track system does your roll off roof have? I am sure that collectively the other observatory builders here can provide some advice on motor drive solutions.
There are two wheels each side and you need to push one side and then the other. It needs to be pulled from the middle and that leads to cables hanging over the scope as I see it. Maybe adding drive wheels with two motors...it just surprised me that it is not as simple as I expected..mind you I just did not think but thought having the winch it would be simple..not so at this point.

I will think more and maybe start a thread seeking suggestions.
I am going up to morrow so I may post photos etc.

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Old 15-07-2020, 12:03 PM
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Originally Posted by xelasnave View Post
There are two wheels each side and you need to push one side and then the other. It needs to be pulled from the middle and that leads to cables hanging over the scope as I see it. Maybe adding drive wheels with two motors...it just surprised me that it is not as simple as I expected..mind you I just did not think but thought having the winch it would be simple..not so at this point.

I will think more and maybe start a thread seeking suggestions.
I am going up to morrow so I may post photos etc.

Hmm, sort of sounds like it might not be running square, if you need to push one side then the other. If the track is true on both sides it should just roll, but i suppose its much heavier than mine. Is the roof frame braced so it doesn't rack when pushed on one side? Yeah, a photo would help.
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Old 15-07-2020, 07:52 PM
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It's square well both are but with the small one which has eight wheels each side it goes to the side and then it rubs and gets hard so you push the other side..and I expect that is what is happening with the big one...both just start to rub against the section that guides them...I need to look at it which strangely I haven't done in the context of a real good investigation...I have been more interested in adding pads to the piers ...and burning as much fuel as possible to minimize the fire hazard...so much to do ...I mentioned a tree fell on my fire pump so I had to get it pull ed from under the tree disconnect all the pipes that took me ages to set up so the earth mover can get the rest of the tree out of the dam..all that was a major set back..plus Dad passing left me flat, then the virus I found on top demotivating..and I have not been able to see if the pump still works..it should...Anyways I am getting there, soon I won't have to come to Sydney..I lose three days a month driving and up to double that in recovery time..those trips knock me around you know..where eve4 I arrive I need time to set up again..and that is just stocking food opening of closing stuff and the astro gear I take out of the observatory, break down put away...so so much time is wasted...the only reason I have not made a decent observatory is I did not even know where I would finally live..I can not go back to the old place because of you know why and I cant live in the house I got for the girls...and the neat shack is high on the hill so I struck it off after the main house was hit by lightning..I have been hit once and I did not enjoy it...but I can see light at the end of the tunnel...like half my months go on everything but astronomy but soon I will be full time like in the old days.
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Old 15-07-2020, 11:13 PM
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Originally Posted by xelasnave View Post
.........I can not go back to the old place because of you know why and I cant live in the house I got for the girls......
Yes Alex, I do know why. And I agree those long drives are not as easy as when we were young. I did get your message that you sent to my phone but was not sure which scope your were asking about, i will reply later today.
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Old 16-07-2020, 06:49 AM
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Originally Posted by glend View Post
Yes Alex, I do know why. And I agree those long drives are not as easy as when we were young. I did get your message that you sent to my phone but was not sure which scope your were asking about, i will reply later today.
I am sending a mate up to do some test pans for gold streams on my river bank in spite of my warnings he wants to meet her..he has no idea but in for the education of his life.

Setting off in another hour.

This scope is my current favoured selection.


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Old 30-07-2020, 05:41 PM
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I am going to pull back on selecting a new scope and mount and concentrate on finishing off this roll off.
The land clearing guy has not been in touch which is ok because I have been occupied in another's major project but today I slipped away and bought a second winch which should simplify the motorising aspect. I have linked up transport to get additional flooring to put down before I lay the timber plastic wood down...and to pick up materials to construct the ramp.
Hopefully I will get the winches etc installed soon and photos to show what progress has been made.
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Old 02-08-2020, 03:52 AM
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Put the winches together which although very simple was a time consuming process.
Checked both with a battery and was able to remove the cable and happily there is plenty to do the job. Dug out the swagging tool but now have to sourse the little things that it works on...clamp thingys..what are they called?

Worked out how to mount the winches and so excited to get on with it woke up at 3 am but could not find any 2 x 3 hardwood upon which I want to mount the winches so I have to wait until a reasonable time to go up to the house as there is plenty there.

My only concern is if the long power cord from the genny is too long as I don't want to have to lift the genny up into the roll off as for me that is a major effort requiring setting up the endless chain winch, but well if I have to...or tomorrow buy a decent cordless drill..I have two but they will not manage drilling steel.

I will be occupied elsewhere until Wednesday so I really want to get most of it done today..I just hope the drill works on the long lead as I usually plug it straight into the genny.

I measured the desks and it is touch and go and I won't know until the winch is set up as the cables may get in the way of where the desks are to go.

I have emailed re the Ioptron mount but still have not decided for sure..I flip between thinking built in guiding is a good idea or not , also I have a Pole master so that feature is not needed..but I will look at the prices for both models so I am a little better informed.

Moisture is going to be a real issue as the inside of the roof yesterday was dripping..there is a lot of open space between the roof and the walls which I need address...that's why the desks will be in like their own cupboard.

I will get a dehumidifier...I have some solar panels that are 36 volt from a grid set up and I think they could charge a 24 volt battery, not sure, but I think it is worth while giving the dehumidifier it's own power in effect .. Anyways shilling thinking about power solutions, I tend to have various set ups..like I have one that only runs the lights another for the fridge another to charge batteries for the observatory...The winches won't need much so they will get a d old 100 amp I will bring up from Sydney that has an old solar panel..the winches draw heaps but not for all that long..

The big problem the roll off seems to have become a storage area and that has got out of hand.,.piers are finished but no work on the pier..in fact I am thinking not to do anything there but run a tripod to get a feel for how high to make it.

Anyways I think I will put on my head lamp and see what I can do out there..gather up the rubbish and tools from yesterday's effort so as to have an uncluttered work area.
Make a list of things to buy tomorrow...might have to skip swagging so probably will use U bolts and ask my shipwright mate to post me the real deal. It's almost 5 am time to get up anyway.

Last edited by xelasnave; 02-08-2020 at 04:03 AM.
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Old 02-08-2020, 07:16 AM
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Beautiful location for an observatory Alex.
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Old 02-08-2020, 09:39 AM
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U-bolts are a good idea, much simpler than swaging and can be moved if needed. Condensation is a real issue in higher/colder climates, my two small sheds suffer from it on cold clear nights and I have to keep covers over my lathe and sewing machines to stop them getting dripped on!!

Would having a small fan inside to circulate the air work? Shouldn't use much power.
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Old 02-08-2020, 02:59 PM
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Originally Posted by cometcatcher View Post
Beautiful location for an observatory Alex.
Yes I like it and the good news is the road is getting sealed which given my distance from the road should mean minimal dust...it should be done within a month.
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Old 02-08-2020, 03:44 PM
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Originally Posted by dikman View Post
U-bolts are a good idea, much simpler than swaging and can be moved if needed. Condensation is a real issue in higher/colder climates, my two small sheds suffer from it on cold clear nights and I have to keep covers over my lathe and sewing machines to stop them getting dripped on!!

Would having a small fan inside to circulate the air work? Shouldn't use much power.
After today's effort I certainly agree with you re U bolts.

After my earlier post I actually found the timber I needed and after much thinking started after lunch convinced I had thought everything thru, I went with screws, as I had some, I would like bolts but probably over kill.

Anyways I now have one side working, I had my daughter push on the side without a winch for balance and it works really terrific.

In the photos you will notice there are only a few turn on the drum which so far seems to be ok but I thought start small ... The cable going thru the leader box I placed outside of where you would be expect to see it to keep the cable on that side...it looks wrong but there is a good reason for that approach.

I will add something to put tension on the cable so I don't have to adjust it if it stretches as I expect it must and that system will keep appropriate tension in the cable to not slip on the drum.

I can't do more today, well I could but probably no point in pushing myself although everything is right to go on the other side all that I need do is thread the cable and screw the winch to the floor. The pulleys are screwed down already.

Moving the accumulated items temporarily stored is the main deterent.

Other than that have not done anything..oh I did assemble a little wheel barrow and moved a bit of soil to test it... I got the two wheel oldies one causeI can wheel it and still use a walking stick...

Looking at the observatory today I think I will line it and if possible make it as close to "air tight" as possible which means vermin proof etc but even if I get it air tight everything will still have covers...tied at the bottom...in the bush the mice like warm places and so do snakes who will come in after mice...

I may put in a heated floor using 19 mm Polly pipe and a solar collector I have the pipe and building a collector is not a big deal . ..but at least a couple of fans, a heater and a dehumidifier...the fans run via just a panel, I have two in the van, the heater can run when the Genny is on..give it some load as I don't like running it to just take off 10 amps to charge the batteries...and you run the Genny when it's wet and cloudy so not a problem..the dehumidifier via its own panel and battery plus run it when the Genny is going. Summer cooling..fans bring up cooler air from under which should work ok but maybe a little cool only air conditioner for killer hot days..

So it seems I will have a decent wait after I order whatever I order so I probably will set up the old eq6 and get a feel for the best lay out find what works what doesn't.

All good but next two days no astronomy so hopefully finish the motorisation totally on Wednesday or after.
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Old 09-08-2020, 01:08 PM
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After various interruptions I have just now completed the installation of the second winch. I have not tested it as I need a rest and another battery in place...so with 4000 lbs pulling power hopefully opening and closing the roof is a simple matter.
Next ...I want to place another layer of floor material ..probably form ply ..
Over and out.
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Old 16-08-2020, 02:05 PM
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Well the test shows a big problem. The wire cable just turns on the drum so nothing moves.
I am considering solutions.
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Old 16-08-2020, 02:10 PM

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Originally Posted by xelasnave View Post
Well the test shows a big problem. The wire cable just turns on the drum so nothing moves.
I am considering solutions.
If it were me I would go with an electric gate opener motor with gear rack, for a few hundred $, if you have power, but whatever the solution I would first ensure there is a nice smooth rolling/sliding action with the roof when just pushed/pulled by hand.

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Old 17-08-2020, 11:22 AM
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Originally Posted by JA View Post
If it were me I would go with an electric gate opener motor with gear rack, for a few hundred $, if you have power, but whatever the solution I would first ensure there is a nice smooth rolling/sliding action with the roof when just pushed/pulled by hand.

Thanks but I am invested in this approach and I am sure I can sort it out.
I have purchased some rubber mat that I will put around the drum ...of that does not work I bought some sash cord in case ...if neither of those work I will construct wood drums...if that does not work I will fasten the cable to the drum and put in points where I can switch between so as to have not slippage via just using the winch as intended.

I do want to get one of those auto gates as getting out of the car to open and close the gate is a big deal for me.
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Old 27-08-2020, 02:10 PM
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The only way I could get it work was to use the winch to wind on cable as they were designed to work..
It means I have to disconnect two hooks and relocate them for the return trip which is not what I wanted but ar least it now works.
I am ordering some 19 mm firm ply to cover the floor and that should arrive next week. The earth mover still has not started unfortunately.
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Old 08-09-2020, 10:39 AM
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Well after getting the winches working I removed them to add a 17 mm ply overlay floor, which was a great deal of work strangley as I had to cut the ply with a hand saw..so eight foot cuts took five goes with appropriate rests inbetween cuts...then I had to gather up the looklike timber floor from under a couple of tarps behind the small observatory and move the pieces into the roll off observatory for sorting and laying...a happy throw off was I cut the ply to form the wheel chair ramp, I dont really need it most times but one would not want to miss a clear night just because you couldnt walk...
The land clearing guy has not been able to get here yet so no progress on the park.
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Old 08-09-2020, 05:43 PM
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Looks like its taking shape nicely - I sympathise with you on the hand sawing!
I'm a glutten for punishment and think its sometimes simpler doing it this way (but its not). There is no power to my obs yet so I'm too lazy to drag the power cable from the house - which leaves me three rusty saws to choose from - Ahh I only have myself to blame.

Good luck with yours - I'm sure it will be perfect.
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Old 09-09-2020, 01:04 PM
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Thanks Anth ..I have a flash cordless saw but it seems to wander cause I cant set the cut low enough... something is stuck...anyways lucky cause I bought a new hand saw at Bunnings just to have one at the van..a cheap one but it is excellent...the fake timber floor is going ok got seven done so far, no insulation or glue but I am thinking of nailing them both for strength or rather not have them creeping up and to give it a realistic look somewhat..and looking at the various piles I think I may have to buy a couple more boxes...so getting them free will end up costing afterall.
I plan to line with foam blocks which seems the easiest approach.
After laying the ply floor with no hole for a pier I have had second thoughts and will cut a hole in the ply ..I was going to go without a pier but how can you say no to moving 2 ton of rock and concrete.
Its looking clear here so maybe so astronomy tonight.
The road should be sealed in another 2 weeks and they have put in a fantastic drive way for me so all is going great.
Edit addition...going back into the van I found the perfect mold for the pier, an old fishing rod container....
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Old 09-09-2020, 02:57 PM
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Thumbs up

Ship Shape Alex! Looks great and you will notice the strength of the floor under your feet for sure - good idea.
As for the pier - well some things just gotta be done hey... good luck.

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