Old 24-02-2023, 06:44 AM
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Thank you very much Martin and Glen.

I suppose why I found the experience frustrating was there is no computer in the mix initially as Asiair Plus makes the lap top un necessary and you could think everything therefore should just work...the really annoying thing was the older ZWO 2600 worked and the new one did not.. same cables etc...so it was reasonable to conclude the new camera was a dud...why would one work and not the other...

I have been busy with other matters and have not tested everything again,( now that it seems to work,) on the eight inch...I will as soon as I can.

Thanks again I really appreciate both your input as although I don't use a lap top now when imaging I do use it to test the gear and do things like adjust focus between the main camera and OAG and back focus etc so everything you provided was relevant.

I will probably get the walls painted black today...Having done the ceiling I am committed really plus I purchased more paint It is just so weird the effect of just the black ceiling...maybe it will be a good place to meditate ...

Thanks again.

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Old 24-02-2023, 07:38 AM
LonelySpoon (Neville)
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Good you are getting further along- painting always seems to imply getting near the end.

I replaced ALL my cables before I got satisfactory connection. I'm now running USB3 for everything. Some of the gear is rated USB3, the rest 2.

I even had to source a couple of USB3 gender changers. If there is anything below the level of the rest in the line it will seriously degrade transmission.

Also, reliable USB 3 hubs, powered, and reliable extension USB cables, also powered, were necessary.

I still find that the Celestron focuser drops out occasionally, and I've had to give the Synscan Pro software maximum times for connection.

Having said that, with the new gaming computer being totally USB 3, speeds are amazing. My planetary camera could only get up to around 40 fps before and now routinely tops 130 fps

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Old 24-02-2023, 03:41 PM
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Originally Posted by LonelySpoon View Post

Good you are getting further along- painting always seems to imply getting near the end.

I replaced ALL my cables before I got satisfactory connection. I'm now running USB3 for everything. Some of the gear is rated USB3, the rest 2.

I even had to source a couple of USB3 gender changers. If there is anything below the level of the rest in the line it will seriously degrade transmission.

Also, reliable USB 3 hubs, powered, and reliable extension USB cables, also powered, were necessary.

I still find that the Celestron focuser drops out occasionally, and I've had to give the Synscan Pro software maximum times for connection.

Having said that, with the new gaming computer being totally USB 3, speeds are amazing. My planetary camera could only get up to around 40 fps before and now routinely tops 130 fps

Hi Neville...I would like to think it is nearing completion but there is still room for one more pier... I am thinking that I need a back up if all four scopes should all go down at once I can fall back to a fifth unit...mmm I still have my old eq6 and it is good mount...hmmmm.

Prior to my recent issues, (which were a blessing really because I was more worried about the cameras than the new lump in my neck, ) I had everything working very well..at least the first three scopes ...and had sessions where I was running them all via my Mobil phone...and I was really very very happy because it took some effort to make everything work...the cables are still a mess although much better then when I threw everything together.

My plan is to tidy everything with the help of blue tack and then make a list of what to buy in "best" quality cables before making things more permanent...I did buy two new power bricks 7.5 amp ..I now have 4 or 5 good bricks and many also rans... I am powering cameras via the Asiair plus so I have these additional bricks just in case I need to change power supply..I have some flexibility...

I am so happy my angle grinder machined fitting worked but still have not test run the new rig...yesterday I had a biopsy on this neck thing and today my assistant could not help so I got stuck into the rest of the painting...touch up mainly..so I will finish that tomorrow I feel and now that I am thinking better with the biopsy done I will test the new set up...and I am prepared for the worst..if the new camera is a dud I will just accept it ... I started to think of all the poor folk who lost everything in the floods so if I get stuck with a dud it's not the end of the world ..send it back wait months whatever..buy another it does not matter...

But what I really set out to say is the more I do the more it seems there is to do..like the lining was done but there are gaps and it is that finishing that takes time...its the little things...

Anyways I may have to go in for two weeks of radiation treatment but won't know much until next week...so that will be a good break..this time I will take the red car and do day trips to the coast and turn it into a holiday...

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Old 17-03-2023, 04:36 PM
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An update...

I am still receiving radiation treatment but came home so assistant could instal the new inverter, solar panel, regulator and battery..maybe get something happening later...I have my new Cheshire so hope to bring to 8 inch to tolerable at least.

Happily the new inverter etc is now done ....and in addition we added bracing because when the roof motor engages it actually moves the front wall...the issue has been greatly reduced and no more a concern...we also put the guide wheels in permanent positions and fortunately everything works.. the roof is staying on the track, the Inverter is not shutting down for want of power...all good.

Unfortunately the place is a mess by virtue of my disasterous last night but I plan on taking a nap now and opening up later and see if I can sort out a few things..but I am so very happy to have made this important progress...and to be free of that back pain..the lump in my neck unfortunately is now huge but one thing the back pain gave me was a realisation that things could be much worse..one day at a time...
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Old 18-03-2023, 09:18 PM
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Just too beat to manage any imaging..it really has been a terrible three weeks and on top I think the radiation has left me flat to boot....I plan to complete my radiation treatment before I bother..Thinking it thru there are so many problems to address first so I figure just get well recover otherwise it will be overwhelming and I wont enjoy it and enjoyment is what it is about..when well rested it is fun but when you are down it really ain't fun at all.

So sorry no images for now.

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Old 19-03-2023, 10:18 AM
Startrek (Martin)
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I agree it’s probably best to wait until your treatment is finished , get plenty of rest , food and drink and recharge before you start imaging again. I think we all tend to forget how much brain power is required to image late at night and process the data you captured whether through the night or following days.
There’s so many links in the imaging daisy chain that can be broken through fatigue and so on ….

Hope the treatment goes well , again the Universe is going no where in a hurry.

Hope the weather up at Tabby is not too hot , Sydney has been going through an early Autumn heat wave , plus 30 degrees , high humidity for 2 weeks , nights up at 25 degrees.
I be glad for some cooler weather with lower humidity, so will my imaging

Take care
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Old 19-03-2023, 12:05 PM
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Hi Martin...I have come back to my nice little flat next to the Hospitals radiology department and laying back with the Air Conditioner ticking over watching youtube nature documentaries...maybe some James Web later

You are correct about it being a demanding sport that is for sure...I know I have a great deal to do so there is no point in going for it running on empty...getting the roof sorted with its own inverter and power supply was a big thing in itself so I dont feel too bad copping out on imaging.

My Cheshire was cheap and I think it was cheap because they cut corners on getting someone who knew what they were talking about to put the instructions together..

However seems great value if you ignore the mistake.

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Old 19-03-2023, 01:58 PM
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I use a similar laser collimator ( Orion LaserMate Mk2 ) for my 6” , 8” 10” imaging newts and 12” Goto dob , plus I have an Orion Cheshire. I use both , one to check the other.
Been using them for 6 years ever since I bought my 6” newt.
I also made up a V block to rotate and test the laser collimator against a wall 3m away.

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Old 19-03-2023, 02:21 PM
glend (Glen)
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Alex I have had a couple of those collimator over the years. It is of course important that you buy one which can be collimated itself. There are a few Utube videos on that I believe. For my 16" Dob I used to fire the laser against a target on the bedroom door down at the end of my longest hallway. As Martin said, a supporting V block is necessary. Get the laser level in the V block, which might take some nail bending as most if those collimators seem to have two different tube diametre in the body. Just make a mark in your paper target and start rotating the laser and making more marks. The idea us to get a very tight grouping of Marks, of course you need to adjust the device with a small hex key through the holes in the body, which are usually at 120 degree intervals. I have heard that your target distance should be 2.5x the scope focal length ( hence my hall way shooting gallery), that is truly obsessive.
Whatever you do, don't drop it, as the collimation will get messed up.
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Old 21-03-2023, 04:42 PM
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Thanks Glen..I have already dropped it..if I had only known I would not have dropped it...only from the bed onto the carpeted floor...but thats good if it wont work I can blame something.

I found out I still have treatement next Monday and Tuesday in the coming week.. for those of you who enjoy me going on and on here is a little story...last night at my little flat I thought Pizza would be nice but there was nowhere open...I was really desirous of Pizza such that I contemplated driving to either Casino or Ballina to get one...but finally I opted to buy a BBQ chicken at the supermarket ( plus few a little luxuries... the penalty of shopping when you are starving)...well ok earlier not doing a thing just laying here thinking what a lucky guy I am to be here ( there and here) and the phone rings..it was as the nice lady at reception who is an absolute pleasure to chat with...she invites me to "Pizza Night" tonight downstairs from here and its free even... Can it get much better?

Now if I had not got this new cancer I would have missed on this Pizza Night... Who else has this sort of good luck...I got some more pain killers just in case the back pain strikes again..I just need to avoid complications during treatment and I have been taking them to minimise the discomfort of the treatment ( the thing has grown and it hurts a little the way the mask clamps down and you are clamped down for a fair while but I wont say anything cause they might say they need to make a new mask and stop things) And I take one going to bed and found they are helping me sleep cause all those pains that sneak up during the night are eliminated...plus the neck is a little dore and I just could not getvti sleep... but don't worry I am not abusing them medically as I am taking them more on a recreational basis.

But just laying around is really doing me good as I just feel so much better..I was really drained looking back..well not going out on two clear nights says it all....Although feeling could be the pain killer..if it is so be it as not feeling pain all the time from something makes me feel normal or rather like it was years ago.:
The girl at the chemistvwas giving me thecrun downnas they are annopiate after all..said don't take more than four a day...I Told her I only take two ..she said that I Will be ok and that somebpeople have 20 a day...that was such a surprise that I forgot to ask how do I get my hands on packets of 20.

Thanks for listening.


Last edited by xelasnave; 21-03-2023 at 04:54 PM.
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Old 29-03-2023, 07:51 AM
I.C.D (Ian)
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Hi Alex get well soon mate and get plenty of rest ,I have been told that Bundy rum will fix anything.The camera you are having trouble with ,have you tried running through a powered hub,get well mate
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Old 29-03-2023, 10:18 AM
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Originally Posted by I.C.D View Post
Hi Alex get well soon mate and get plenty of rest ,I have been told that Bundy rum will fix anything.The camera you are having trouble with ,have you tried running through a powered hub,get well mate
Hi Ian thank for the excellent advice but I have trouble walking straight and staying upright so the rum may be counter productive unless I drink enough to imobilise me and leave me safe in bed..that could just work.

I have a list of things to do observatory wise and the powered hub will get a run but I am planning to order fancy new USB cables for all units..a daunting prospect financially...everything is now times four dollar wise and that has bitten me badly...

But I have said it many times and I have paid the price for not heeding my advice..do not borrow from one rig to get another working..if a rig goes down do not borrow as the disease only starts spreading..and now nothing works..although the roof does thank goodness...what a journey that was.

But I will start on rig number one..the RASA ..it's dummy spit was guiding..A reboot should fix that..if not I will work on it until I fix it..it was working perfect one night then went bats.. wasps even ??? Cables?? Slipping clutch...

Then the 80mm which also was perfect but I borrowed it's guide camera and as it is narrow band and I can run short exposures it really becomes a delight with 120 sec plus guided subs...so have to re focus etc.

Next the 115 mm...which became the main camera donner but it should be ok as it has its camera back ..maybe some back focus issues but we shall see..plus I think I borrowed its guide camera..but you can see how thing get out of hand.

The new rig ..mmm..guide camera (cameras as I bought a second one as said earlier out of desparation) needs to work ...next is collmination but I now have a tool so that should all work out...back focus even now seems ok..tilt maybe..but the focuser may be a challenge...in any event I will keep at it..the new mount works just fine but I sure would like some real subs to assess this mount and OAG as I have never used OAG...and getting used to them I believe can be hair pulling

The new Askar 130 is available but until I get eight inch working and can have some indication that death has backed off the Askar is off the table...which is ironic as I put in this new pier and bought all the gear in expectation of the Askar..mount cameras, oag, filter wheel, filters all for the Askar 130 that may now be the only missing bit..but the eight inch is a great scope and I have bought all the materials to provided it with its own baffled dew tube..something that really improves things (actual my engineers testing shows up to 10% on an 80mm) and it has various areas that can be improved to make it great..its just that the Askar caught my eye...the eight should be comparable as it is 1000mm f/L and I planned to run native with the Askar130 at 1000 mm...maybe wait see if I have any future left and go for a 9.25 Celestron instead hopefully having either come to grips with OAG or not...and dependant on how the new harmonic mount promises guiding for that longer F/L...

AND of course there is still room for one more pier if the decision need be made..but unless assistant can do it I shall not risk a back problem...lifting the cement could have started the back problem but it scared me to be sensible from here on...

I just want one night with the roof opening while I push the remote button to open from the flash chair in front of the flash new all powerful computer set and driving all scopes via that computer and Asiair plus with controls on one screen and photos rolling thru on the other..with an internal display monitoring the scopes by my security cameras on either my tablet or lap top...more than using it just once will be a bonus...

That is why these health interruptions are just so annoying as I have a great deal to do to pull all this together...

Anyways at least pour yourself a Rum and drink to my health..as many as you can if you think it could help... perhaps see if my idea about its ability to imobilise has merit.
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Old 30-03-2023, 01:21 PM
LonelySpoon (Neville)
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Originally Posted by xelasnave View Post
I just want one night with the roof opening while I push the remote button to open from the flash chair in front of the flash new all powerful computer set and driving all scopes via that computer and Asiair plus with controls on one screen and photos rolling thru on the other..with an internal display monitoring the scopes by my security cameras on either my tablet or lap top...more than using it just once will be a bonus...

We all want that for you, Alex.

And for ourselves with ours, come to think of it!

Look after yourself through this and don't overdo it.

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Old 30-03-2023, 11:03 PM
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Openned tonight..however the roof is still playing up..we think it flexes ( I had my assistant helping me...and lucky that I got him in as the roof had to be moved manually)..the thing has moved and the track was not sitting on the gears.

And shows how stupid I am..with out thinking here I am on top of a ladder..crazy right there, trying to man handle this roof back onto its roller...I just backed off before I was ready to take the strain...goodbye back forever thinking now...but half a second before I was going to lift it hit me..dont even try...thank goodness..but I just got so involved in solving the problem trip.

Well we are sure now that it flexes and that causes issues..fixing that will not be easy as where we need bracing it will hit scopes..,

,anyways tidied the whole place..found one dead rat, five hornets nests, but given the way I had to leave it when the back issues hit and the night everything went wrong weeks ago the progress tonight was pretty good...

the main thing is we got the RASA firing..sorted out its guiding issues and produced one 120 sec image with round stars when the last time I was getting blocks..But that was perhaps the most satisfying image I have ever taken because at least one rig is working fine and putting it in context of all my issues it was like a really big win finally...sure I would to have liked more but going forwards will do.

Started putting back borrowed stuff to restore what it was like prior to messing with the eight and its new stuff but did not bother even looking at the 8 inch tonight.

The roof is a worry but things could have been much much worse as after the last terrible night and the back bringing me to a halt I did not secure the roof ..it was all I could do that night to get it closed..but I did not connect cables or bolts to hold it down in a wind....and we had had some...so very very very lucky that it did not come off...and perhaps the flexing came from the strong winds etc...we will have another go at fixing the roof on Sunday...

But happily we were able to open it enough to get the RASA guiding sorted so still very happy, not withstanding still having roof issues particularly as last time we thought it was perfect...

But the swing is now heading up...

It was so good to just be mucking about and if nothing else all the tools and clutter are outside and now It is starting to look good again with only three necessary tool cases under the desk..

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Old 31-03-2023, 12:10 AM
glend (Glen)
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Alex, the pain killers and steroids have you thinking your Superman. Stay off of ladders. A fall is the last thing you need now.
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Old 31-03-2023, 08:43 AM
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Originally Posted by glend View Post
Alex, the pain killers and steroids have you thinking your Superman. Stay off of ladders. A fall is the last thing you need now.
Well at the very least get a superman costume, and take pictures!
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Old 31-03-2023, 08:46 AM
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Originally Posted by glend View Post
Alex, the pain killers and steroids have you thinking your Superman. Stay off of ladders. A fall is the last thing you need now.
But I am Superman Glen..ask everyone that I am and they will all tell you that...

At least on the inside...some evil villian has stolen my real body obviously.

But as usual I treasure your wisdom ...but I will miss going up the ladder.. all things tell us something and I am starting to realise that I have been too casual in respect of my leg pain...the test will come over the next few days as I go back on the cancer drugs and they really destroy my feet so if I can get relief still I will be drunk with joy..it really is the pits....anyways the main thing is everything is going perfect for me today and you can't expect more than that...only a week more for the steriods...so I better start looking at what is available in "uppers"...

It was lucky that the roof was playing up as in retrospect the dew was so bad the seeing would have been useless and you see I sorted the guiding with the roof only one third open which would not show just how bad the dew was..it only hit me when I sat on the
mower as it was so wet that I thought some how it rained with out me noticing...And so another down is turned into an up.

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Old 05-04-2023, 04:40 PM
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In an effort to clarify something I mentioned in Mike's thread saying I was going to remove the roof of the observatory if things could not be fixed...I have received private messages about this so I expect it is best explaining myself here rather than run on in Mike's thread with my issues...

I know I have been talking about stuff going wrong but the roof is the most concerning...before the back and radiation treatments..and that last particular night where everything was playing up.. up to that point the roof worked as well as one could wish...and I added it's own inverter all was great..

However when things went wrong and some weeks passed before I could really put it thru a sequences to establish its performance and then only to find the gears were well away from the track...why why why?...

Maybe the roof " sunk" given the minimum support near the appex, maybe the building is sinking..footings are on soil etc near a dam..there has been wind, leaving it "unexercised" which does not give opportunity for guide wheels to " adjust" things..if the roof sags moving should have the effect of pulling things straight again...

So we have been trying to brace everything that moves..so the motor mount stand is attached to the door frame with steel braces,..so when the motor engages that initial kick is now dampened...stuff like that...we are adding cables to the raffters in an effort to add additional bracing to the roof..when all this has been attended to I hope to find the roof has moved and back to where engaging the gear and track is before us....

My comments about pulling the roof off has to do with two aspects that I think are at play...the roof removal would go hand in hand with turning the motor upside down to leave room for additional bracing...but the main issue would be to make it square..it must be square but we have avoided facing that fact..for Good reason.. .it will be a very big task..being slack should not be an option but well...you know.

Now I have said if I can not fix it in a couple of days off comes the roof..it may take me more time than that but the point is having completed all the intended fixes and if we still have an issue and it wont work well then for me it will be a full attack to make everything square and perfect..off comes the roof.. and what a Big deal..moving all the stronomy gear into the van and I will probably have to sleep in the 4wd...no kidding...a huge undertaking.

OK and I ordered the new Askar 130 as I am not going to let this small issue slow me down...radiology report tomorrow, steroids over on Saturday,...so I have no time to waste

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Old 09-04-2023, 10:44 PM
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OK good news...

Last night we got the roof to work...the problem, came back to the roof sagging and moving about in
responce to wind and presumably heat resulting in the gear and track not staying in place...

It all came about because the roof had little in the way of support via cross bracing...two sides and nothing to prevent them swinging, moving apart, around and any where they felt they should go due to wind or heat ...because the roof had to pass over the motor bracing was confined to mere inches near the apex of each frame section..
Not good in the least...if I did another it would have conventional placement of of cross bracing and some how the motor would fit and we would avoid all this fuss.

I approached the problem on the basis that every little thing will help..a little.. by adding a bracket or cable where ever I could squeeze in something..and really the effect of each bracket or cable in it self would almost not be noticable but the cumulative effect certainly worked ...so where ordinarily we would have one cross brace say halfway down the A frame the roof line for each appex ( four in all) each appex has..now we start with a small support brace joining each side, an angled piece of steel ( a heat bent steel shelf support bracket) secured to each supporting rafter, a stainless steel cable fixed to anchor points at the bottom of the rafters each side tied near the appex connected to two seperate turn buckles with the effect ifof making the rafter cable combination like a giant bow with the cable tensioned to a high "e" note...they ring when you pluck them thats for sure...now in addition there is on one side angled steel that connects the rafter to the beam the carries the gear track introducing a triangular section which probably is the key to stopping sagging and movement...it to my eyeclook fantastic..it is industrial art and I love it..more so because you can see the work that went into all of it.

I removed the track guide wheels and their fittings and created a better mouse trap by making each of the two units adjustable..such that if the roof moves out of the guide wheel grove one simply relocates the guide unit via oval holes in the base plates holding the guide wheels...all good however we need to elongate the oval holes a little more on one side...a small job and I will do it tomorrow...but good news be that the roof kept in line not withstanding these guides were not in place..this means they will not have much work to do and the emphasis will be upon guide the roof not pushing it under strain to keep it on line/ in line...

It has been a journey thats for sure.

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Old 10-04-2023, 08:09 AM
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This is a little difficult t see but it may give you an idea of the bracing etc
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