Old 23-12-2022, 06:00 PM
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Thank gentlemen...now all I have to do is add two more piers and it is all finished
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Old 23-12-2022, 07:15 PM
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Congrats Alex!
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Old 25-12-2022, 02:03 AM
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Great to hear Alex, its been a journey for you for sure but well done my man

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Old 03-01-2023, 04:50 PM
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Thanks very much gentlemen..sorry not to reply earlier...Well I have been very busy tidying up and working out where to place an additional pier..well I have to as I found a pier extention made of steel so the job is almost done...maybe one of these fancy harmonic drive mounts as this pier extention would take one perfect..it's like it was made for one.

Anyways...we had to adjust some roof supports to fit everything and it seemed it may have been dropping so I clamped everything and we added additional roof support batons today just in case..

We also removed the rust from the rails and added phosphoric acid and an etching coat...just needed to wait to apply the final epoxy coat.

We added 28 angle brackets to most every corner to really make the structure rock solid...and it now certainly is very rigid.

I have ordered the proper "gate" track so the thing lines up perfect..it should be here on Friday ..it works ok but I was going to replace the timber beam upon which the gear track is fitted with a box steel beam but looking today that may be overkill..which is ok..but to get the steel..14 ft...I need to put a roof rack on my little Hyundi...do you know what a roof rack costs these days..I just cant bring myself to submit to being scalped..say good bye to $450 it seems...anyways it will delend on what is in the gate track kit..there will be rollers and if we can fit them on what is there the timber may stay...

The only other thing we started today was to add cross bracing to the roof..I am just trying to make everything as strong as it can be as the less flex the better now the gate motor is operational.

The tracks that the roof travels on I noticed has a slight bend which does not effect things but I can't sleep knowing that it has a slight bend so that will have to be fixed.

I have designed a single style pier which may be five star pickets welded with a ply box to make the form work...it will depend on if I can source 235 mm pvc easy...but a ply box could work well...I am getting used to piers and now putting in another..or two..is not a big deal...I want to add a 9.25 etc to the mix...but I need to research what I need...and if there is any point to getting one...but it's like golf you need different things for different things...plus it will force me to sell a heap of stuff I don't even see let alone use.

So not getting any photos as the Sky has not been worth opening even now with the remote control...I must say it is rather ausome when you press the button and it marches off and stops exactly where it should....I still can't believe that we got it done.
But this really was a case of I should have given up long ago if I was smart...anyways I am very happy that at least it worked given everything else to achieve this goal failed over and over...

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Old 04-01-2023, 12:09 AM
glend (Glen)
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Great work Alex, inspirational at your age.
Re the 9.25, consider the f ratio, they are pretty slow, and I know you have a "need for speed" in relation to imaging. How about a nice 10" imaging Newt? Or go bigger, say a 12" f4 imaging newt if you have the swing room; Andrews had them on sale prior to Christmas. You might need some help from your labourer to lift it onto a mount.
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Old 04-01-2023, 07:15 AM
LonelySpoon (Neville)
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Again, great progress!

FWIW, I have a 9.25" and a 12" f4 newt.

In the end they take up about the same length of my EQ8 mount when you count cameras, etc, because of the different light paths.

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Old 04-01-2023, 07:35 AM
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From my limited experience I only have one piece of advice , keep it simple
My 10” f5 Klaus Helmerich Carbon Fibre Newt ( 1280mm fl ) is a real winner
Easy to collimate , plenty of reach and a real light bucket (I built it for under $2000 ) Bought the KH CF tube ( designed for GSO gear ) from Sidereal and GSO parts from Andrews ) It reached focused with my 2600 using the EAF with 15mm spare travel and collimated beautifully first time !!
Same can be said for my older metal tube tubes , the 8”f5 and 6” f6 although there not in the same league.
You’ve seen my images over the past few years in both crappy Sydney light pollution and pristine skies down south from my Dome

Best always
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Old 04-01-2023, 03:47 PM
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Thanks Gentlemen.

I was thinking that a 9.25 would be good training for a 16 inch. I have designed a small crane which will be fun to build down the road and use the motors that used to open and close the roof...it is pretty simple and I can do it with the spare hard wood I have squirelled away.
I have thought about this for some time as I can not lift the RASA with confidence...well I have not tried to be honest so I am probably being negative and realistic all at the same time. I want to move it to the Southern end as I can't get much North stuff where it is now..have the eq5/ 80mm and RASA change places in time.

And with that in mind I added a pulley system today so I can lower and raise the " triangle" Southern end of the observatory.

Rather hot it reached 35 degrees C in the van but I put on the genny to run the air con and paid for my owners licence for Astro Pixel Processor...another couple of things done.

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Old 04-01-2023, 11:19 PM
Hodur (David)
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Mighty task, it looks as if you’ve tucked a major win under your belt
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Old 05-01-2023, 07:26 AM
LonelySpoon (Neville)
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I am also concerned about my ability to lift 'scopes onto the mount, and have provided for a pulley mounted on runners that cross the base of my dome.
(The base of my dome is above the level of the resting 'scope).

For a while I considered a 'ute crane' like this one at Total tools:


There are even floor versions for moving car engines around.

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Old 05-01-2023, 10:21 AM
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Originally Posted by LonelySpoon View Post

I am also concerned about my ability to lift 'scopes onto the mount, and have provided for a pulley mounted on runners that cross the base of my dome.
(The base of my dome is above the level of the resting 'scope).

For a while I considered a 'ute crane' like this one at Total tools:


There are even floor versions for moving car engines around.

I looked at a unit and determined to buy it the next day but when I went back it had been sold..I had not thought much about the issue since then ... certainly there are plenty of things out there but mine would be better ..if I build it...I like building things but I suppose it makes more sense to waste my money rather than waste my time.

Been working on roof strapping this morning and getting final measurements for the next pier...I am doing it on the basis that I will run the eight inch and complete the build I had in mind for it and see if my old EQ6 can respond to Asiair plus...it really is a great scope and I had in mind baffling it and improving the standard focuser...and adding a long baffled dew tube...probably smart to see what I can do with it...that will be four and there is still room for one more...I thought it was crazy to go for so many scopes but with the few and far between imaging sessions getting heaps of data in one night is not crazy really.

Last night we had a mega storm I thought all my work work would be blown away but happily all is ok...the poor guy who owns the Rural Agency lost half the roof of his house.

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Old 05-01-2023, 01:26 PM
dikman (Richard)
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Originally Posted by xelasnave View Post
I like building things but I suppose it makes more sense to waste my money rather than waste my time.
Depends, if you enjoy building things, and get satisfaction from it, then it's not wasted time as far as I'm concerned.

At least your caravan didn't become airborne and turn into a plane.
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Old 05-01-2023, 03:23 PM
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Originally Posted by dikman View Post
Depends, if you enjoy building things, and get satisfaction from it, then it's not wasted time as far as I'm concerned.

At least your caravan didn't become airborne and turn into a plane.
Yes I thought I may end up with a tree house...and you are right but thinking it thru again today while being drilled in the dentists chair I thought either way it is more stuff to clean etc so I will just get the assistant and the girls to move RASA ..a one off I expect..what I should build is a trebuchet ...I have always wanted one..nothing big say about 20 high...only because I cant buy one.

Anyways the additional pier is now a definite go.. I am trying to have it completed by the end of the week...it is really a very simple job so I have decided not to procrastinate...also the track wont be here until Tuesday so I am not going to let my world revolve around that..when its here it will get done but it has lost its place on the to do list...I have found one can lose so much time waiting for the next job to be completed when most times there are other jobs you can do ... My whole week was planned around this damn track and it did not show..so putting in the pier will salvage the week....mmm it must be done tomorrow I guess..

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Old 06-01-2023, 06:08 AM
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I think I will spend the day thinking if putting in another pier is a good idea and not just motivated by my annoyance that the track did not turn up. Having had some rest at the moment the only reason I can think to do it is the fact that I said here that I would...saving face is never a good reason to do anything..I know I can get it done today if I decide to and I dont have to do it to provecthat I can...mmm I wish I had a cat so I could discuss it all.
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Old 06-01-2023, 07:29 AM
glend (Glen)
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Alex, perhaps the answer is to simply build another observatory building and put the new gear in there. You have the land, systems, and the experience. Those prefab flat pack observatories are pretty easy to put together. Check out the Greenline observatories being sold by Testar. They seem pretty cost effective for the smaller roll off structures, less than $10k. And by the way check out their roof drive systems, one with ASCOM control.

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Old 06-01-2023, 07:55 AM
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Trebuchet - every time I hear that word I think of the show Scrapheap Challenge. Three farmers build a trebuchet from scrap to launch a Mini car. An incredible build that unfortunately spectacularly collapsed when they tried it out!
Brilliant show.
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Old 06-01-2023, 08:07 AM
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Originally Posted by glend View Post
Alex, perhaps the answer is to simply build another observatory building and put the new gear in there. You have the land, systems, and the experience. Those prefab flat pack observatories are pretty easy to put together. Check out the Greenline observatories being sold by Testar. They seem pretty cost effective for the smaller roll off structures, less than $10k. And by the way check out their roof drive systems, one with ASCOM control.

Thanks Glen...I think I am just getting impatient to get some decent seeing.

Funny the reality of inflation..my first house cost $10,000.....

The current observatory has not cost anyways near $10,000 ...even with all the motors piers and electrics...although all up when you put in the land clearing, scopes mounts and etc etc etc...I shudder..but at this end of the game there is little point saving for a rainy day... although I do have a problem if I live to 100..

Like it now all works and I would like to just have that night where I can lay on my bed, open the roof, tell the scopes what to do etc...just to see it all working ... it seems so silly really but what do you do if you won't read fiction.

It has been so long and so many hurdles etc I just want to see it all in action...but fun really..I look around in there and everything reminds me of a struggle and a victory...so it was good to build my confidence which as you probably notice is not very strong.

I think I need another hobby as well as a cat...plus get out more I think...giving up on my plans to sail around the world has left a huge gap to fill.

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Old 11-01-2023, 08:31 AM
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The track had turned up last week but it was at the Post Office..I expected it to go to the Rural Agents so asking there was useless...usually large items come via courier and go to the Rural Agent..I don't track so I never noticed the shipping method and did not enquire until the vendor advised it had arrived..they did not say where leaving the opportunity for me to make a false assumption.

Anyways got it home and inspected it and after much thought have figured how to include it in the mix..It needs another timber rail ( or replace the timber rail with a steel box section) happily I have another similar piece of timber...not only will it support the new track but will add strength which was why I was thinking of replacing the current timber section with steel...so it has worked itself out and I dont have to buy and fit a roof rack..which I am very happy about...also this approach will allow fitting guide wheels which up until now were only on the outter section of the roof as there was no room wherecthey really should go...now all will be close to conventional.

I have not heard from my assistant since I said I wanted to add another pier...it is not a nice job but I don't mind as I lay on my belly under the floor which funny is much better than the agony of standing.

So I have decided to put in the pier but not rush it..I have bought the star pickets and later today will buy a welder as I am going to make a frame that would support everything even before adding concrete.

I have placed the old EQ6 with the eight inch where the pier will go and it will fit perfect...I plan on a box section below floor level as I can remove the old form work from the first pier and use it for this new pier..may have to shorten it but it is square and fits between the floor bearers...above floor level I am going to use a large plastic bucket, which strangely gives me a perfect height...I have had the bucket in place with the steel mount carriers and it will all be so simple.

I have decided to remove the old winch motors as they will never be used again as with all the work on the roof and the carrier rails to get it as good as it could be now means I can push it by hand..so if I have a motor problem I can still close and therefore get rid of the old motors and the cabling and repurpose all that stuff...maybe a 4wd winch on the red car...I have an xtrail which I may add a crane so the winches will see use somewhere...

But the exciting thing is a couple of nights ago I was able to give the whole set up a real run..open for imaging that is...all worked perfect and I probably don't even need this additional track and wheels but as I paid for it I will still go ahead...And when the clouds came in..as they do when you get everything running and stop for a coffee...I did not even get upset when I saw white screen I just switched everything down via the Asiair plus and pushed the remote and thought to myself ..how good it that...

And I have had a good look at the old eight inch and have decided that with a ZWO EAF the focuser will be ok...so I will buy a ZWO harmonic mount and .camera and filters and wheel and put off buying a scope as the eight should work well.

So not much happening but making forward progress...as I said I will buy a welder and make a stronger set up than before and also weld the bolts to the frame...

But my experience equips me to offer advice on the easiest way to control a roof off roof and perhaps the best way to make a pier...but being old no one listens..which saves me time explaining..life is good.

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Old 12-01-2023, 07:46 AM
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I did not buy a welder...no one knew what an "arc" welder was...I don't know if they were un informed or if I am way behind the times..I will ask y assistant if he can do it after all.

I bought 16 mm threaded rod rather than bolts.I love threaded rod..but the prices ..57 cents for each nut and 37 cents for each washer..anyways that part is sorted.

And Bunnings had the gate track and wheels that I waited on...And because I could have bought only the bits I needed they would have been much cheaper...again nothing to do but move forward.
I bought a decent step ladder so fitting everything will be safer for my assistant ..it is a painter's thing so he can use the tray to hold paint stuff for tools...And it will be handy for something in the future...un related but I bought a bbq rotisserie ..I have one in Sydney but just can't get down to pick it up...so hang the expense I can do huge roasts and veggies where I create food for more than a week...And it tastes fantastic.

Tomorrow we fit the track and hopefully the job will finally be complete.

The additional pier I will just chip away at as there is no rush for it..I have the saw for the floor and all the materials other than the concrete which is available when I want it in Tabulam.

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Old 12-01-2023, 08:44 AM
glend (Glen)
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ARC welder aka Stick Welder. Bunnings sells them.

For your purposes this cheap one would do the job:

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