Old 26-10-2022, 08:27 AM
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The weather gods hear all.

Originally Posted by strongmanmike View Post
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ...ok, act natural, the weather gods didn't hear that....

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Old 26-10-2022, 10:07 AM
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If it is only the weather Gods dont worry as I will sort them out ..Gods are easy to deal with as they are not real.

Last night showed as clear but the seeing was such that it may as well been raining...so tonight may not be useful.

I have just been to have my eyes checked and besides some small issue my caterats have not got worse in two years ..in fact he said I have very good vision...I did not complain about my colour blindness.... But what a great doctor/man..he collects fossils and interested in machine work and is about to make a forge so I was able to relate my experience in that field..he was all ears...like me he has many hobbies and a is very interesting chap...so all good..so now I am off to Tabulam Post Office for the last parts of the set up...but after the effects of the drops in my eyes go away as I really cant drive for a while.

So another great day.

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Old 26-10-2022, 03:22 PM
LonelySpoon (Neville)
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I hate any eye work. Not sure how I'd handle injections into the eye like the mother-in-law had monthly- I just had a cortisone shot into my ankle and that hurt like the bejeezuz.

Look after those eyes, mate!

Admiral of LSO
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Old 27-10-2022, 08:08 AM
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Well the gods did not turn up and I had two rigs running..I was in pain and could not stand so I just could not get the third rig running as it needed the new cable added and the new guide camera which seems nothing now but last night at the begining I was actually feeling faint and I seemed not to be thinking straight... lucky by 10 pm I felt much better probably because the activity made my body realise it just had to perform.

It was clear but the moisture manifested in my subs not being as clear as I know they should be...particularly on M42 the trap stars were there but not sharp and I was testing 5 second subs..which look good otherwise...

I had to change the pulleys to get the roof open which was a surprise given the work adding new wheels I thought I had fixed that problem.. the new ones allowed the cables to jam between the housing and the wheel,...a result of replacing the gal cable with thinner stainless...but happily I could sit down so I did not let it upset me..after the initial jam I was a little put out I will admit..as it left some of those nasty whiskers no one wants on a cable...I bandaged it and the bright side that is now a marker point for rolling out the cable..

The security camera fell victim to dew so that's something to fix..they will need little gaurd houses but not buying dew heater strips for them.

Funny I could not see the CSP with the HEQ 5 so no polar align..and it was way way out as I had just plunked it down ...before guiding I have never seen such long star trails but the guiding managed it..unbelievable..I did not think it would work so well...Happily the eq5 and 80mm is perfectly placed for M31 so I tested the ability to give Asiair a list of things to do so told it to do 7 filter changes ...and it automatically re focuses..life is wonderful..the time effort and heart break these Asiair units deliver means they are worth their weight in gold to me.

I could go on..oh one scare at 3 am trying to close up..the winch cable made contact with the little battery I was using to power a dew heater ( things do do there yet) and man talk about fire works and as I was befuddled I could not work it out and it was hard just to bend down and stop it...funny when you think about it.

So very very happy that two Asiairs would run off my phone..next time it will be all from the desk top or maybe just the tablet...tablet has advantages but a big screen to cull subs ...anyways all good.

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Old 28-11-2022, 11:57 AM
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Ok... the next thing to do...the roof I conclude can not be automated while I stick with the current system which has two 4wd winch set ups one to pull on one side..the cables just have problems..a pulley winch system I could not make work and I tried different cable and rope..added stuff to get traction...wasted weeks..same with trying to run dual drum set up..multiple attempts making fittings from this and that but no joy.. the problem comes from the cable winding on and off and the diameter changing..so it goes tight on side slack the other..hair pulling stuff with no solution.

A good friend pointed out a set up offered by Bunnings to automate a gate...now at first I thought they probably would be not strong enough as the tracks are nylon... anyways I found the manufacturer https://www.richmondau.com/product/d...on-kit-gtr156/ and
have emailed them for a price on their biggest unit...but looking at the roof actual fitting won't be easy..unless I can mount the drive motors upside down...I have asked them...the other option is to mount a beam hanging from the apex of the roof and at first I thought I was crazy to even think such a thing but it seems sheer brilliance now that I think of the various advantages...as I will need only one motor and the system will be much better balanced.

Also these units comes with a remote control and have switches that prevents disasters so that means I don't need to figure out how to adapt an Arduino which I expect would be hair pulling fun for me...

Recently I opted out three different nights because I feared cloud..one night it did not come..disappointing but if I can get this latest improvement working I would have no fear of opening simply because it would be easy both to open and close..while in bed even...the current set up is such a pain..you have to stop and rewind unwind relocate the hooks etc....and for me it is dangerous just walking about in such a mess trying not to bump scopes and balance myself without grabbing stuff...

So I made this post to drive me forward...get it done or be laughed off the forum...my credibility is on the line so I have no option but to deliver...plus I feel my efforts will be of help for others ..of course that is my main motivation..helping others my main game..

If anyone has any experience with the units that I am talking about or can link to something I would be most grateful.

So nothing has actually been done but I am hoping...to get this roof
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Old 28-11-2022, 12:12 PM
LonelySpoon (Neville)
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Always something more to do or change, Alex. I doubt you would be laughed off the forum for failing to do something!

I looked at the gate idea too at one point back about 5 years ago and concluded they wouldn't handle the weight/load of a roof.

Remember, you can pick up most farm gates and carry them- can you do that with your roof?
Really good rollers with low rolling friction would help, of course, but I'm guessing it would need to be on the 'push with one hand and it keeps rolling' level.

Glad you got some observing in, too- it's really coming together.

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Old 28-11-2022, 01:04 PM
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Originally Posted by LonelySpoon View Post
Always something more to do or change, Alex. I doubt you would be laughed off the forum for failing to do something!

I looked at the gate idea too at one point back about 5 years ago and concluded they wouldn't handle the weight/load of a roof.

Remember, you can pick up most farm gates and carry them- can you do that with your roof?
Really good rollers with low rolling friction would help, of course, but I'm guessing it would need to be on the 'push with one hand and it keeps rolling' level.

Glad you got some observing in, too- it's really coming together.

Thanks for your thoughts Neville...and I know that I would be ,laughed off for failure you are just being kind and shielding me from the truth.

Well I could probably pick up my roof but certainly it would be beyond normal humans.

I put in new ( additional) wheels and it moves much better ..you can push it...I can push it..

At first I thought the system with the tracks too weak a set up but the thing I emailed about mentioned 2000 kgs so that gave me hope...the tracks are nylon but the primary gear I notice or at least seems to be steel...that could be a worry.

It is a case of I want so bad for this thing to be the solution that I will probably ignore your good advice and try it...I am desperate you see..perhaps if you tell me that 100% it can not be done then I will throw everything into proving that I can do it...well I just have to..I know there are people already saying that I can't do it...just watch the hits on this thread..just people checking in to see if I have failed...

I will clean the tracks ( meaning I will get someone to do that as I can not stand on a ladder unfortunately) as I noticed some rust and just that will add to the rolling resistance and goodness knows ..maybe there is dirt as well..bird crap..dead things...

They still have not replied to my email..I guess that means that everyone in their office is working on my problem.

Thanks again

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Old 28-11-2022, 06:37 PM
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$813-75 + GST for the big unit.
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Old 28-11-2022, 07:18 PM
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Hey Alex,

With regards to mounting the gate opener upside down, there's a fellow in Sweden who did just that, with the toothed rail mounted on the bottom of the rafters.

He has twenty or so videos on YouTube covering his entire build, from first dirt to completion.


Hope this helps...

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Old 28-11-2022, 08:57 PM
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Originally Posted by AstroViking View Post
Hey Alex,

With regards to mounting the gate opener upside down, there's a fellow in Sweden who did just that, with the toothed rail mounted on the bottom of the rafters.

He has twenty or so videos on YouTube covering his entire build, from first dirt to completion.


Hope this helps...

Thank you very much Steve.
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Old 29-11-2022, 12:53 PM
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Wow...I received a call from Richmond Wheel and Castor, the company I am going to buy my gate tracks and motor from...
Talk about helpful and out of the blue..they were concerned that their product may not be suitable and did not want me to be uninformed on the matter.

I explained what I was doing and the guy , Robert, was just so helpful and time not a problem.

I wish every company that I dealt with were just so helpful and considerate.

I explained that I was confident that it would work but that I would not be blaming them if I could not get it together...

I explained that I liked to think that I had thought it thru and that I would be running the plans past a very competent engineer.

And I do hope it works out as I think what I have come up with could help many people with a roll off roof and remote opperation.

So I spent all morning and this afternoon making the plans..inch by inch screw by screw and think I have it all worked out...Will make the order on Thursday as I need to put cash in my astronomy toys account.

Needless to say I am very happy the way things are going ... it is wonderful and I am just so lucky.

Here is a link to the unit I hope will do the job.https://www.richmondau.com/product/2...2000kg-gtr212/
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Old 29-11-2022, 02:09 PM
dikman (Richard)
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Interesting site, although their web pages are bloody slow loading! Are you sure that 2,000 kg capacity will be enough?
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Old 29-11-2022, 03:10 PM
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Originally Posted by dikman View Post
Interesting site, although their web pages are bloody slow loading! Are you sure that 2,000 kg capacity will be enough?
No not sure at all.

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Old 30-11-2022, 04:09 PM
glend (Glen)
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Alex, your only moving a roof., not the whole building, it should be fine. The initial start up current will be the test, once it's moving there should be nothing to worry about; unless you have a snow load up top. I am sure you know how to estimate the roof weight, so I won't make any suggestion.

Last edited by glend; 30-11-2022 at 04:27 PM.
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Old 02-12-2022, 07:33 PM
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I am too lazy Glen but I feel it should be OK.

I tried to order the motor and track today having topped up the toy fund yesterday but I could not work out how to order on their web site... so I sent them an email...so rather than shipping today they wont see my email until Monday..no worries I am patient...I added brackets to the door frame today as I can see the motor being mounted on an extention of the door frame..Made it very stable..I have it all worked out now...

As my phone is playing up and I cant message even...a side note..went to the Doctor yesterday..the blood clot that I have been concerned a little about has been there since the operation and apparently, I am on medication for it..Doctor said dont worry as she has been watching it and is not concerned..it came up as a result of eye tests and my GP was not aware that it was being treated..neither was I....she said my condition is remarkable and everything is first class very fit chap apparently...and another doctor cleared my licence thing, so I am still with licence..so watch out folks.

But very busy with a little venture. and with phone issues

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Old 02-12-2022, 07:55 PM
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Originally Posted by xelasnave View Post
I am too lazy Glen but I feel it should be OK.

I tried to order the motor and track today having topped up the toy fund yesterday but I could not work out how to order on their web site... so I sent them an email...so rather than shipping today they wont see my email until Monday..no worries I am patient...I added brackets to the door frame today as I can see the motor being mounted on an extention of the door frame..Made it very stable..I have it all worked out now...

As my phone is playing up and I cant message even...a side note..went to the Doctor yesterday..the blood clot that I have been concerned a little about has been there since the operation and apparently, I am on medication for it..Doctor said dont worry as she has been watching it and is not concerned..it came up as a result of eye tests and my GP was not aware that it was being treated..neither was I....she said my condition is remarkable and everything is first class very fit chap apparently...and another doctor cleared my licence thing, so I am still with licence..so watch out folks.

But very busy with a little venture. and with phone issues

Good news on the health front Alex !!
Hope you get your phone issues resolved
It’s been cloudy in the big smoke for nearly 2 weeks
Hopefully the weekend might give us a short reprieve
Itching to get down South and clear all the spiders out of my Dome and inside the 10”. At this stage heading down on the 18th Dec for 5 days , back for Xmas and Boxing Day and then back down for month or so
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Old 02-12-2022, 08:43 PM
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Hi Alex hope alls well

How do you find those green insulation panels you have in the roof do they help, I think they are around 30mm thick is that correct, I was planning to use those or something thicker for the roof. The walls will be insulated using pink batts. I plan using gyprock for internal walls instead of ply but will use ply for the floor


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Old 03-12-2022, 07:13 AM
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Originally Posted by TrevorW View Post
Hi Alex hope alls well

How do you find those green insulation panels you have in the roof do they help, I think they are around 30mm thick is that correct, I was planning to use those or something thicker for the roof. The walls will be insulated using pink batts. I plan using gyprock for internal walls instead of ply but will use ply for the floor


I would find them in Bunnings next to the timber section. Not sure of the width but can tell you it varies so if you decide to buy some get as many as you need in one go to avoid finding the size has changed between orders..I think I got caught with a colour change but you see being colour blind it really doesn't bother me.

I think they work very well but I did not do before and after tests.

What I did notice recently was the temperature in the observatory was 2 degrees less than in the van around mid day... but the observatory has ventilation and the van has none.

However the van is under a tree but the observatory is not under a tree...it made sense to put it out in the open.

I would like to have the observatory professionally linnedwith ply but the guy who can do it is booked solid for 12 months..I don't plan that far ahead.

There is a substantial saving in going for gyprock but a decent ply would be nice...the reason I say that is that with a little imagination you can add strips of timber to make it look like a flash panelled room that you would expect to find the Brittish Admiralty meeting to discuss sending Captain James Cook to discover Australia.

Lining all surfaces with mirrors is worth thinking about but not doing.

I really enjoy following your progress ...I get so much joy watching folk realise their dreams. Thank you for taking the time to keep us informed on your progress.

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Old 07-12-2022, 04:49 PM
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A little bit of progress...I had emailed the supplier of the gate track motor but had not heard and I thought my email was lost...anyways today I spoke to Robert and placed my order and paid the money over...he read the order back and sure I got the motor and gearctrack but also some GST whatever that is...

It is a big punt..I have no idea if it will work and relying on my endless supply of good luck to make it all work...

AND ...I had ordered another security camera recently from one of those adds claiming they have destroyed the industry because of their fabulous camera...well I ordered one and when trying to pay for it there was an offer of another for half price or something...so I thought why not and tried to complete my purchase but I seemed to get caught in a loop..I paid the bill which was less than the price of one of the cameras that I already have...but I was not sure if I had ordered one, two or even three...well today the package arrived...four new security cameras ...anyways I go from, only months ago pulling out my hair trying to get just one security camera to work to now where I have six of them...

Anyways I hope to have one monitoring the smooth operations of the observatory roof rolling back and forth under the command of one of the two remote control units...

And I hope that I can get it all working not only for me but for others ...as so far this system is reasonably cheap compared to what is out there and it seems that we may have a decent chap at the supply end...

Anyways it is coming by freight so when it arrives I will post some photos and get it all working..

I am thinking to hang some photos to have people wonder why..say Napoleon, Stalin, Queen Elizabeth stuff that will have visitors wondering what the conection with astronomy..but it would be good if I could find say those people had some link...any ideas?

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Old 07-12-2022, 06:25 PM
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This is a bit of the mark have you ever watched a movie called

Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets

there is a guy that drives a sub in part of the movie called Bob and your profile picture reminds me of him.

Glad to see you are keeping active first time in 67 years haven't been able to shake a cough I've had for five weeks and went for my first ever CT scan today so hope nothing serious shows up.

Slowed down on my build due to supply issues have to wait a couple of weeks for material so should be back in swing next week, all the best moving forward for your build etc
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