Some small things...
The new wheels need machining ( a little too wide) and are on their way to get a flash trim on a lathe rather than risk using my delicate astro angle grinder on them
I had a major concern that the holes in the wheels were smaller than the current holes for the axles...all I could imagine were problems to overcome that issue..either bushes or welding on a piece of steel to carry the smaller holes however yesterday my assistant removed the nut ( he could do that as he could climb a ladder something that is beyond my ability) and we found the bolt to only be 12 mm ...My measurement was in the dark by trying to access the bolt over the runner using a gauge not sure if it was on the bolt or not and clearly my measurement was way off not being able to see what I was doing.
He also nailed down the deck outside the observatory ..not that I could not do it but just never got to it..he saw it was a trip hazzard and rightly fixed it.
Days ago my daughter gave me two 200 watt solar panels that she had replaced on her project so assistant added them to the two panels I have at the van ( which I consider just an extention of the observatory where I sleep and process photos

and being an electrical engineer corrected my connections with proper bits so now it is nice and proper.
I do need to build a frame work to hold the up but even laying on the ground I can see a good improvement in the power going to the batteries.
He also cut out the second fitting to make the winch drum carry two cables and I hope to trim it, drill bolt holes later today and see if the dual drum approach will work...I am not confident but if I am going to operate the roof remotely then I must solve this problem..plan B is to make a system around bike chain..probably motor bike chain..not only expensive but a huge job with fittings to hold sprockets etc...I want to avoid plan b so I am givingvplan A all I can.
The piers look good but I will let The new one rest for a while before I put the eq5 and 80 mm on to it..not much point really until the new Asiair plus units arrive,...but they will enable me to actually run three scopes..using lap tops I found it too busy to comfortably run just of those things that sounds simple but in practice does not really go so well..just keeping three scopes focused without the Asiair approach would be a nightmare...with Asiair plus you don't even know..focusing is it's job you no longer even think about it...
The big spanner in the works is the mower threw a belt but on top of that I find water in the I don't know but today is an oil change as the mower place are booked out for three weeks ..the oil lubricates but can't be looks like cream...and with the grass starting to grow I can't wait three weeks to cut it as the job will be huge.
So plenty to do but it finally is getting to a stage where I can see it coming up to where I wanted it to be.