Old 27-09-2022, 06:03 AM
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Some small things...

The new wheels need machining ( a little too wide) and are on their way to get a flash trim on a lathe rather than risk using my delicate astro angle grinder on them

I had a major concern that the holes in the wheels were smaller than the current holes for the axles...all I could imagine were problems to overcome that issue..either bushes or welding on a piece of steel to carry the smaller holes however yesterday my assistant removed the nut ( he could do that as he could climb a ladder something that is beyond my ability) and we found the bolt to only be 12 mm ...My measurement was in the dark by trying to access the bolt over the runner using a gauge not sure if it was on the bolt or not and clearly my measurement was way off not being able to see what I was doing.

He also nailed down the deck outside the observatory ..not that I could not do it but just never got to it..he saw it was a trip hazzard and rightly fixed it.

Days ago my daughter gave me two 200 watt solar panels that she had replaced on her project so assistant added them to the two panels I have at the van ( which I consider just an extention of the observatory where I sleep and process photos and being an electrical engineer corrected my connections with proper bits so now it is nice and proper.
I do need to build a frame work to hold the up but even laying on the ground I can see a good improvement in the power going to the batteries.

He also cut out the second fitting to make the winch drum carry two cables and I hope to trim it, drill bolt holes later today and see if the dual drum approach will work...I am not confident but if I am going to operate the roof remotely then I must solve this problem..plan B is to make a system around bike chain..probably motor bike chain..not only expensive but a huge job with fittings to hold sprockets etc...I want to avoid plan b so I am givingvplan A all I can.

The piers look good but I will let The new one rest for a while before I put the eq5 and 80 mm on to it..not much point really until the new Asiair plus units arrive,...but they will enable me to actually run three scopes..using lap tops I found it too busy to comfortably run just two...one of those things that sounds simple but in practice does not really go so well..just keeping three scopes focused without the Asiair approach would be a nightmare...with Asiair plus you don't even know..focusing is it's job you no longer even think about it...

The big spanner in the works is the mower threw a belt but on top of that I find water in the oil..how I don't know but today is an oil change as the mower place are booked out for three weeks ..the oil lubricates but can't be ideal..it looks like cream...and with the grass starting to grow I can't wait three weeks to cut it as the job will be huge.

So plenty to do but it finally is getting to a stage where I can see it coming up to where I wanted it to be.

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Old 27-09-2022, 09:27 AM
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And roof control is near finished
Just a few more bits...you can teach an old dog new tricks if you retain youthful enthusiasm...instead of telling myself I could not learn this stuff I told myself that I could and already I have a grasp miles ahead of where I thought I would be...I need more bits and very soon I will even know what they are

As to the programing it almost writes itself...

So all you old fellas who still fear a mobil phone or computer have a go it is much easier than you have convinced yourself that it isnt.

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Old 29-09-2022, 05:46 AM
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Ordered what I hope are the last bits to have all rigs working...a ZWO EAF to bring the 80mm into line with the other two and a 7 spot filter wheel to go on the 115mm to house the 2 inch filters that I bought for the RASA as I am sick of the mucking around with filter drawers... so RASA goes OSC..all this means I won't have to visit the observatory every time I need to change a filta on the RASA..the new filter wheel was eye watering expensive but was necessary else I would not have bought it...soon I am going to run out of money before I run out of time..hopfully both occurr together..a happy ending.

Both two drum style for the winches are ready to go but I have decided on getting thinner stainless steel cable which has a smaller diameter which hopefully gives the set up a better chance to work before I test them...I am not confident but I need to try as plan B is really not appealing ( motor bike chain etc)

I lost a day yesterday because I was crook but got the oil changed in the mower so I have my transport again but still must change the belt...thank goodness for YouTube as I had no idea how to change a mower belt but after a 10 minute video feel entirely confident
...other than I cant kneel so it will be another belly job I guess.

I really would like to get this remote control roof happening as last night I looked out at 1 am and really should have openned up but sooked out ..if the roll off was remote opening I would have another couple of hours data for M42.
AND I ordered a camera to be able to monitor the gear while in bed...

Other than that not much happening and apart from the belt fix I can't do more until more stuff arrives ...although I think the new computer will be finished today..was waiting on a scratch drive...
Might go to the hospital and check out this new problem.
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Old 29-09-2022, 09:08 AM
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Asiairs arrived

Scratch disk arrived and daughter will instal it later today when I visit.

EAF and wheel here Friday post office says so.

Organised at trip to hospital if things dont improve by tomorrow if I can get get the belt done

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Old 30-09-2022, 12:30 PM
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EAF and wheel arrived...so next set it all up and start testing...I never thought this day would arrive..once an idea now hands on reality to use.
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Old 30-09-2022, 12:38 PM
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Nice one Alex.
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Old 19-10-2022, 07:12 AM
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Well finally it is all more or less in place.

The new computer is set up and can manage all three rigs via Asiair plus .

I now have a new flash modem that helps out with net and WiFi and I have the monitoring camera up and working such I can check things from the van.

I have started adding wheels to the roll off roof at either end rather than trying to replace the old ones which is a big job and not necessary ..assuming the current plan works.

I can not make the dual drum winch system work and being able to manage the roof movement from the van just won't happen as plans A B and C won't work...anyways I will not bother until I have the new wheels installed and can assess the rolling resistance.

There are many small jobs still but the only issue is one guide camera that seems faulty...it plays up thru Sharpcap but maybe it will behave when working with Asiair plus...if not it will need to be replaced and as it is on the 80mm I can run unguided as that is what I have always done.

It is a pity it is so wet as I just don't feel like doing anything in the observatory and I certainly can't add the remaining two wheels...

It is so good to be able to look at the RASA on my tablet while laying in bed...I think that is all I will do today.
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Old 19-10-2022, 09:23 AM
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Originally Posted by xelasnave View Post
Well finally it is all more or less in place.

The new computer is set up and can manage all three rigs via Asiair plus .

I now have a new flash modem that helps out with net and WiFi and I have the monitoring camera up and working such I can check things from the van.

I have started adding wheels to the roll off roof at either end rather than trying to replace the old ones which is a big job and not necessary ..assuming the current plan works.

I can not make the dual drum winch system work and being able to manage the roof movement from the van just won't happen as plans A B and C won't work...anyways I will not bother until I have the new wheels installed and can assess the rolling resistance.

There are many small jobs still but the only issue is one guide camera that seems faulty...it plays up thru Sharpcap but maybe it will behave when working with Asiair plus...if not it will need to be replaced and as it is on the 80mm I can run unguided as that is what I have always done.

It is a pity it is so wet as I just don't feel like doing anything in the observatory and I certainly can't add the remaining two wheels...

It is so good to be able to look at the RASA on my tablet while laying in bed...I think that is all I will do today.
Sounds like you are on top of it all Alex, well done....lying in bed controlling your rigs sounds attractive, hopefully I can emulate you

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Old 19-10-2022, 10:49 AM
Startrek (Martin)
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Well done on completing all those tasks, you must be pleased
Whilst the weather is bleak , maybe some reprocessing on your new super computer !

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Old 19-10-2022, 03:18 PM
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Thank you gentlemen.

AND moreover thanks to everyone from here who has helped me over the years.

All my efforts have resulted in me dealing with problems entirely differently..once I would get excited, upset and confused resulting in often throwing my hands up and giving up..well let's say I did not give up but so often when responding in that earlier fashion that was so often what I would contemplate...however after many seemingly insurmountable problems being resolved, so often by the help from the members here, I now stay calm relaxed and determined in the face any new problem even if it presents as impossible for me to move past ....and in a week or two that problem has been solved and I am on to another one.

Again everything I have achieved is a direct result of the wonderful help from all the kind members here.

Sincerely thank you all.

I enclose a photo of my tablet screen showing the view..the 80mm is hard to see and perhaps I should add another camera looking back to the current one to get the 80mm in and another aspect on the other two...yes the cables need sorting out... don't they always?

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Old 20-10-2022, 07:32 AM
LonelySpoon (Neville)
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must be as very satisfying feeling, Alex Well done.

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Old 20-10-2022, 07:52 AM
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Congrats on the observatory, Alex. I can only imagine what it feels like to have completed such a massive project.

All you need now are the clear skies, and then let the images roll!

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Old 21-10-2022, 05:31 PM
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Well done young man! An ably completed project that should see you safely imaging for many years to come. Bravo!
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Old 24-10-2022, 06:13 AM
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I find that I need two security cameras to adequately see all three scopes so I ordered another..there is no point in only half achieving what you want to do as the money spent is wasted so you have to bite the bullet and invest more else there is no point..not achieving what you set out to do is failure and can not be tolerated.

I have had to order another guide camera and another eqdirect cable due to failures...also two temperature sensors for the additional EAF units...and so I am over budget ...what one must accept with out getting upset is the most basic fact of life...all bugets go over where they predicted..thats the way of it so dont be surprised or annoyed just get on with it for goodness sake...and wringing ones hands does nothing other than detract from the joy that should be yours.

I have my assistant lined up to instal the remaining two wheels on Wednesday if the weather permits...I could do it but as my last effort has seen me more or less bed ridden since doing the first two it makes sense to just supervise....two hours labour is a small price to pay for happy feet.

I took delivery of a cheap tap and die set and added two threaded holes to the top rail on the RASA to mount the Asiair plus up there so I spent yesterday just doing that and relocating all the cables ...it will be worth the effort as getting at the cables and particularly the thumb drive is easier...maybe better wifi as well...so my $30 Tap and die set saved me buying a $85 bracket for the top rail..and it looks neater.

Today I hope to determine the back lash in the last two EAF units and also dial in the focus of the additional two guide scopes...using the one good camera between them...one guide scope will require some sorting out ..it is a 70 mm thing and I recall I need to add some rings or remove them..whatever..so best do it now rather than waste good imaging time when it arrives...I find the distant tree tops get close so little more adjustment is needed for the stars.

I would like a clear night to test everything working ..the three scopes, three Asiair units and control via the new desk top in the van...

I have decided that I will have to run the genny for imaging sessions as the current draw from the three scopes is considerable, not that I know but given the desk top can only run via the genny that makes it clear what must be done and rather than the batteries taking a beating each imaging session will see them receiving a good charging session...five litres of fuel is a small price to pay to deliver all that it will deliver...

So close now and I hope that with the arrival of the new cable and guide camera ( oh also a dew heater for the last guide scope) I don't have to spend another cent...however even as devestating this exercise has been it is no way as expensive as owning a wooden sail boat ..just mooring fees and annual slipping sees $10k gone and that is just the start...and the total investment probably is about the same as the toy red car.

Still I did go a little overboard in retrospect...but on my death bed I won't have any regrets that's for sure.

Thanks to everyone for following my journey as it really helps me posting here as it gives me some feel for what I have done and what I still need to do and above all I hope that others realise from my activity that building an observatory is doable for even someone as old as me with some serious health issues..it is so easy to talk yourself out of doing things..that's what we often do..and therefore we deny things that we should get to enjoy...I can give you a long list of why I should not but you need to realise your time is short and you can not waste a momment procrastinating...lack of money or time are just unacceptable excuses that you must not tell yourself...all that you need is commitment and determination .... and remember ...The world gets out of the way of a man who knows where he is going.

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Old 24-10-2022, 09:02 AM
Startrek (Martin)
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I enjoyed reading your last post especially the last few sentences.
I take my hat off to you Sir
So glad your now set up ready to image the Universe
We all need patience now due to this incessant wet weather , I haven’t used my South Coast Dome since mid July , but I do t worry about that , clear skies will come and when they do it will be so rewarding

Best always
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Old 24-10-2022, 04:15 PM
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Well I did not let the grass grow under my feet..I cut a bit on each trip to the observatory and the whole block is done..a bit here a bit there...it does not even seem like I have been mowing.

Anyways I called my assistance and said look the weather is clear let's get these other two wheels on as it may rain the rest of the week..so he got them on and the roof rolls with pushing with one hand.. exactly as I had hoped so I am very happy all that is behind me.

Worked out back lash on both EAF units and focused both guide scopes only to find I needed to change my order as the mini does not go with the guide scope I have..which I have done...and decided to relocate the Asiair on the 155 mm but have yet to drill and tap four new holes for asiair and guide scope...and best of all found a cable that replaced something that must have been over two mtrs. to go teo feet..and tidied all the cables on the RASA..but have yet to tidy the observatory as there are tools and cables etc all over..it is a mess..later tonight I guess.
But I need food and sleep...after that.

A good day.


Last edited by xelasnave; 24-10-2022 at 04:33 PM.
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Old 24-10-2022, 07:00 PM
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Great news. Thrilling even. Might you be able to apply your qi/ch'i to sorting out the weather? pretty please.
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Old 24-10-2022, 07:35 PM
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I have a good feeling about Wednesday night...
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Old 25-10-2022, 12:16 PM
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Originally Posted by xelasnave View Post
I have a good feeling about Wednesday night...
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ...ok, act natural, the weather gods didn't hear that....

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Old 26-10-2022, 08:18 AM
LonelySpoon (Neville)
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Originally Posted by xelasnave View Post
I have a good feeling about Wednesday night...
Oh, heck- there was a raincloud outside my window, looking over my shoulder as I read that.

That's torn it!

Admiral of LSO
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