Old 25-08-2006, 07:08 AM
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iceman (Mike)
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Arrow Guidelines for Observation Reports Forum

Hi all

Welcome to the Observation Reports forum.

This forum is for posting:
- Observation Reports, notes
- Sketches
- Links to images (that are posted in the deep space imaging forum)

There will be one thread for each object, with the title of the thread in the format:

<object number> - (object name) - <object type>

Where object type is:
GX - Galaxy
NB - Nebula
OC - Open Cluster
GC - Globular Cluster
PN - Planetary Nebula
DB - Double star

Some examples:
M17 - Swan Nebula - NB
NGC104 - 47Tuc - GC
and so on.

This way, people can search for the object by name or number or type.

All reports for that object should go under that thread, so they're kept together.

Your observation reports can be as detailed as you like. Some suggestions of things to note include:
- Scope/EP, magnification, filters used
- Seeing/Transparency/Wind
- Moon phase
- Altitude, Magnitude, Constellation
- Description of what you saw
- Sketch

! You may like to look at the IceInSpace Observing Log Template for filling in your notes out in the field, and then either scanning or re-entering the information for your observing report.

I'll be instructing moderators to edit thread titles that don't fit the guidelines (so it's consistent), and also to delete any obvious spam (some chatter is ok but it may be cleaned up from time to time).

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Old 25-08-2006, 08:34 AM
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glenc (Glen)

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A good idea Mike.
I would like to request that NGC or IC numbers be given before Caldwell numbers.
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Old 25-08-2006, 09:20 AM
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iceman (Mike)
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Location: Gosford, NSW, Australia
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I'd agree with that too, Glen.
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