Old 17-07-2017, 07:17 PM
WaTcHuLoOkNaTm9 (Harry)
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ASCOM Focuser

Hey guys,

I am buying the ZWO ASI 224MC camera and intend on using it with SharpCap with an ASCOM focuser as its compatible with the software. However, I was wondering, what are the best focusers out there that I can use with SharpCap? Preferably one that doesn't cost over a couple hundred dollars. How about this one https://www.myastroshop.com.au/produ...sp?id=MAS-051A ?

Cheers, Harry

Last edited by WaTcHuLoOkNaTm9; 17-07-2017 at 08:18 PM.
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Old 18-07-2017, 02:58 PM
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tonez is offline
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im just finishing off one of these, haven't tested it on the scope yet but it looks like its going to work well


or a more basic version that costs next to nothing


i think the one you linked just gives you a basic app that acts like the hand control (in/out) which is fine to manually focus with but the arduino adds automation and temperature compensation
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Old 18-07-2017, 06:47 PM
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Old 20-07-2017, 04:55 PM
WaTcHuLoOkNaTm9 (Harry)
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Thanks for the replies guys. However, I have decided that I am just going to go straight out and grab a Moonlight CR with the DC motor option, of which I will use an FCUSB with down the track so I can use my PC. I was hoping someone could be able to tell me what drawtube option I should use for the Moonlight focuser. My scope is a 12" skywatcher dob with an f ratio of f/4.9 and focal length of 1500mm. Is it correct that the drawtube is important as only some will provide full focus depending on one's scope?

And yes, I have decided to completely replace my stock focuser. Also, is it wrong to assume this setup would work with the ZWO ASI224MC and AstroLive or any "video astronomy" software for that matter?

Thanks heaps in advance
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camera, eaa, eyepiece, focuser

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