I like the first image best, though all 4 are excellent.
A once in a lifetime event.
I still get emotional thinking back to the evening of the 20th. Scanning the skies with binoculars, then there it was, and as the sky darkened and the comet revealed it's full glory. Wow. Fan bloody tastic.
amazing photo op! not likely to be repeated anytime soon? i still remember the sunburn on my delicate milky alabaster white astronomers skin!! ouch! i remember the apocolyptic weather/conditions most of all LOL, it was like all hades had opened up and spawned this little beauty
Geee for a second there I thought this was a recent shot. Yup fond memories
of sitting on the front porch witha coldie and the 20x80's in hand.
I'd be surprised if we see one that spectacular in our lifetime again, but I'm
always hopeful. Not to many comets in our recent past that we really need
to image it for both hemispheres to get the full perspective of it's tail. So
sweet travels to our friend the Great Comet of 2007, may you show your
splendid glory to someone else where and whenever they may be. And a
merry christmas to you too.
I remember looking for it in daylight with my 7x50's, needless to say that my search wasn't fruitful, i had perfectly clear skies around midday, i also remember those scotch thistle seeds high up above me crossing the FOV and putting me off! its hard to focus on anything in the blue if you have nothing contrasty that you can focus on, like trying to focus on Venus in daytime!
This comet will be remembered for many years to come. My first astrocamp will never be forgotten (IIS, Jan 20, 2007).
Thanks Mike and IIS!
Here are some pics that I did not take. I would normally post a link but I can't find any because I grabed them almost 12 months ago of the net. Please excuse me not acknowledging the photographers.