Here is a pic of my Xmas present to myself.
APM 100 mm 45° ED-Apo Binocular with 1,25" Eyepiece Sockets
First light last night (18/1/2016) on My Discmounts DM-6.
As they say why have 1 x 100mm APO when you can have 2 with a handle.
First Light Report
Baader Mark III zoom (8-24mm) eyepieces- Sadface. There doesnt appear to be enough infocus travel to resolve focus using these EP's. I tried at every setting, and even swapped out barrels etc.
Dekmeier LOA's 3D Eyepieces
Orion looked pretty amazing last night even with a 1/2 moon. Certainly not as contrasty as when used in my Tak TSA , or 127. I look foward to trying them at Wiruna.
Denkmeier 21mm EPS'
These were awesome. Nice Exit pupil, great field of view and the best of the night.
Televue 24mm Panoptics.
Obviously a lower mag and larger FOV, but i didn't think they were as clear as the Denk 21mms.
I look forward to retesting under dark skies later next month at Wiruna, and also with a set of Docter 12.5mm EP's.
Merry Xmas and Clear Skies.