Originally Posted by Matthieu
Very interesting chat. Thanks fo sharing your insights Don!
I’ve been planning on grabbing a Morpheus 12.5 and 9mm and Ultima Edge 30mm soon to complement my ES 68° 40mm, Ultima Edge 18mm and SvBony sv215 3-8mm zoom as I get what you mean by an eyepiece going further.
My X Cell Lx 9, 7 and 5mm haven’t been used since I got that zoom as it sees fainter (and is sharper) than any of them on DSOs and the moon.
Also, you should make a guest appearance on the Actual Astronomy podcast (if you haven’t already), Mike and Shane are great at flying the flag of visual astronomy. And they love eyepieces.
Hi Matthieu, thanks for posting this, Id never heard of the Actual Astronomy podcast until your post. Now I have it bookmarked, cheers