No worries Dave, dont mind the Anime stuff either.
It's fascinating stuff.
I'm new to it, came blame the girl @ work who got me into it. Favourites are (of course) Hellsing, Tenjho Tenge (warning: gratiutous panty shots) and Bleach. Bunch more I wanna get, but they're hard to get in R4...
Barry, I hope it isn't swine flu. I'm feeling very flu'ish myself the past 24 hours, trying to fight it off.
The piccie wasn't meant as a serious image of myself, was tongue in cheek, I guess others couldn't see that.
...or were being somewhat facetious. You're selling us a little short there Dave. LOL! I suppose that point of this thread is to give people an idea of what you look like (on this world) so that when we bump into each other at star parties we have a chance in hell of being able to recognise each other.
I'll try to keep an eye out for a stick figure with two guns and a weird expression....
No, wasn't trying to be facetious, although I guess it could have been interpreted in that way. That said, I'm hoping to attend Supanova 2010 and cosplay as Alucard ;-) That's my Saturday costume plan, sunday is Lorne from Angel (TV Series). Gotta start researching makeup and researching costumes I guess. Again, Meg @ work can be blamed for this new hobby lol.
I have had fun looking through all the pics. Cos' I did I feel obligated to throw myself up there. Funny thing though, I have 1000's of images/photos of my life/family and not too many of me.
This one is of my son and I from about a year ago on the back deck.
Well, you asked for it. The first picture is me enjoying the summer weather in Victoria. It was taken near Falls Creek about 8am. The previous night the sky was beautiful but by 3am it was like this. The second was taken near Tianjarra (near Nowra) on a day out recently (sorry about the shadows on my face).
Okay it was time to finally post an image of myself on my avitar. Me, the most un-photogenic person on the planet. I had to crop it from a group photo, but It'll do.
Hey Duncan, whenever I seen you avi, it looks like it could be a frame from A-Ha video clip of Take on Me.
In your last pic(Marshall shirt) you look just like a guy I knew years ago, tho he's now famous for non-music reasons.
He started FireWire surfboards and shapes boards(Sunova Surfboards) for Taj Burrow.