I took time out during my recent trip to the "Red Centre" in the Northern Territory, to capture some star trail images in the night sky above the world famous Uluru. This image is a composite of one image taken at about 6.30pm to capture the sunset on Uluru and another set of images taken (at the same location), at about 10:30pm. The sunset image was a single exposure and for the star trail image I selected 30 minutes of star trails (15 x 2 minutes each). I actually had about 1 hour 45 minutes of star trails but decided to only use the smaller set as the full impact of the concentric star trails was, I felt, a little too over powering for this image. Having pre processed the data in Photoshop I then combined the two images into this composite published here.
Uluru, and the near by Kata Tjuta, has particular cultural significance to the local Arangu peoples in Central Australia. They have lived in the area for over 30,000 years and have strong spiritual ties to country and the local landmarks. It is a privilege to have the opportunity to to visit these sites to both appreciate their natural wonder and share in some of the local Indigenous Australian stories.
Link to image on my FlickR page is here.
Viewing the image is best done at full screen on a desktop computer.
Clear skies,