The Christmas is here and is time for surprises

The new version 1.30 is under the tree.
As usual there is a list of changes…
2010/12/23 - v.1.30 New features and bug fixes
-Added: FWHM (Full Width Half Maximum) focusing - use the Focusing Aid panel.
-Added: Framing Mask (FULL version only) - a multi session aid to help
orienting the camera by same angle and position during multiple nights.
-Added: Tooltips help - Shows description per every feature
-Added: Tooltips ON/OFF (FULL version only)
-Added: PC only destination for Digic 4 cameras (still needs card).
-Added: Pause / Resume function when plan execution is in progress.
-Added: Shift+Start to loop a plan
-Added: 0s pause between exposures
-Added: Auto synchronization of the camera's clock on connection
-Added: Longer connection timeout
-Added: Splash screen to show loading progress
-Added: Night Mode for the User guide
-Added: Some optimizations in the User's Interface
-Added: Some performance optimizations
-Added: Temper(HUM) calibration (FULL version only) - now you can enter calibrating constants.
-Updated: Better LV++ - less noise and more sensitive
-Updated: Better LVStack - less noise and more sensitive.
-Updated: User's Guide document (the new things are in green)
-Fixed: Fixed is the bulb accuracy problem
-Fixed: Fixed is the random problem with _@@@ in the file names
As a gift to everybody that is trying the demo version there are no more white labels. Even the demo is completely dark adapted.
Happy holidays!