As usual I’m happy to announce the new version of APT

Here is what took a place in it:
2010/9/30 - v.1.10 New features and bug fixes
-Added: Support for Temper and TemperHUM sensors
-Added: Dew point closing and passing notifications (in FULL version only)
-Added: Need to refocus notification (in FULL version only)
-Added: selection between Celsius and Fahrenheit (in FULL version only)
-Added: Automatic image suffixes can include the current temperature (in FULL version only)
-Added: RAW only mode - no image preview yet
-Added: Stop exposure in plan greater than 1s with the Stop button
-Added: "PC only" mode save the images with base names 0001, 0002...
-Added: Image preview in minimized mode to cooperate with guiding software
-Added: Default focal length (in FULL version only)
-Added: Corrected image (right orientation) in Preview and LiveView by
flipping the image horizontally and vertically
-Added: Sharpening and Negative effects in Preview and LiveView (in FULL version only)
-Updated: User's Guide document (the new things are in green)
-Removed: Automatic mirror lock custom function enabling/disabling is removed for all cameras except 1000D
-Removed: Custom image quality option.
-Fixed: Other small bugs.
Since this version there is small change in the version numbering – 1.10, 1.20 and any version with last digit “0” will mark the current stable version. Numbers like 1.11, 1.12 where the last digit is not “0” will mark the beta versions. The site will be updated to allow downloading registered and unregistered beta versions. I hope that there will be interest to try the new features and to help to test APT with more EOS models and to make it better. I want to say big “Thank you!” to everybody that were and are helping so far!
On the home page are listed some of the planned features for v1.20. There will be a focus on polishing the things we already have, but there will be some new things too

On first place the extraction of the EXIF temperature data.
Please let me post this link again. It is the Yahoo group related to APT -
And last, this Saturday I’ll be out of the town so will be slow on responses. Sorry for the inconvenience.