I'm happy to announce that the new version of APT is available for download

Many thanks for all the help that made it possible!
The usual list of changes is below.
2013/08/16 - v.2.30 New features and bug fixes
-Added: Custom support for QSI cameras (check the User's guide for filter names definition)
-Confirmed: Works with Moravian cameras
-Added: Don't sync EOS clock setting in Advanced Tab
-Added: Import/Export site coordinates from/to ASCOM in Location Tab
-Added: Canon library 2.13 is incorporated
-Added: Correct B or M dial mode check for Shoot button
-Added: Filter wheel usage in EOS mode plans
-Added: Filter name is part of the file names in EOS mode
-Added: Region of Interest in CCD mode
-Added: Meridian Flip Clock (full version only)
-Added: Countdown beeps for the last 3s of a pause in focus plans and delayed execution
-Added: Temperature tab in settings dialog
-Added: Support for USB_Dewpoint sensor
-Added: Cooling/Warming Aid for CCD mode
-Added: Detection of possible thermal shock in CCD mode
-Changed: Faster focuser position feedback
-Moved: ASCOM focuser control is available in the demo version.
-Moved: Sound notifications are available in the demo version.
-Fixed: Problems with EOS 6D
-Fixed: Disappearing Cross
-Fixed: Low LiveView frame rate when Right lens control button is used
-Fixed: TIFF creation crash in EOS mode when long plan is executed
-Fixed: Minor bug in the APT dithering
-Fixed: Minor bug in EOS mode when Auto cancel feature is used
-Fixed: Crash in CCD mode when LiveView is ON and APT is closed
-Fixed: Crash in CCD mode when many images are taken
-Fixed: Bug in Darkness clock when there is no Astro twilight
-Fixed: Minor fixes here and there
-Updated: User's Guide document (the new things are in green)