Old 06-09-2024, 05:31 AM
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glenc (Glen)

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Swift’s Egg

It is often called the Robins Egg but I like to name things after the person who found them.
Lewis Swift (1820-1913) was searching for comets with his 4.5” refractor at Rochester, NY when he discovered the planetary nebula NGC 1360 in 1859.

He discovered a total of 822 deep sky objects, including 809 galaxies with a 16” refractor from NY and CA.
Three galaxies were found with smaller telescopes.
Swift also discovered 4 nebulae, 4 planetary nebulae and 1 globular cluster (IC 1276)

NGC 1360 is magnitude 9.4, 11’ long and 1280 light years away.
JW Inman took this image.
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