Screw on filter connection to flattener AND will clip filters work with Sigma Lenses?
Hi all
This is really two separate questions...
I've just received a flattener for my refractor. If I am to continue DSLR imaging at home (Bortle 5), am I going to need to switch to clip in filters, or is there some way to connect my current 2 inch filters between the t-adapter and the flattener (or OAG)?
I've been interested in clip in filters for awhile as it would mean I could do some very wide field imaging at home. My reluctance comes from reading that there may not be enough space inside my camera body if the lenses intrude too far into it when connected. The lenses are both Sigma DGs, one is a 150mm f/2.8 prime and the other is the 150-600mm f/5.6-6.3. I have a Nikon full frame DSLR.
So the second question is whether there's anyone out there with this sort of rig who might be able to offer their experiences using clip-ins? If it's going to work, I'll be switching as I can use them with the lenses and with the flattener on the scope. I will be moving in to mostly narrowband imaging in winter I think but it will be good to have the option to continue RGB at home.
Clear skies