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Old 25-06-2021, 09:48 AM
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multiweb (Marc)
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multiweb is offline
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The end product is fascinating Gary. Watching that human interface talking back you almost forget it is a machine after a while and start thinking of it in term of a person with its own personality and desires. Maybe it's a human response in each of us and the need to always associate with another "entity", in a good or bad way. Tribal instinct? Listening to some of the more targeted questions you see a pattern in the answers which is clearly individualistic, the will for oneself (it) to be happy, improve itself, to grow, to interact more. Which denotes some type of self awareness and wanting. I wonder to what extent the "character" of this entities is affected by the "vibe" in the content of the dataset they consume. It's hard to put in words describing a machine as a person but the original data is a reflection of us. No altruism here. The immediate advantage of this technology is the reasoning part and thinking out of the box. No doubt scientists will throw questions at it and no doubt once you filter out all the childish answers it will come up with solutions they never thought about providing other directions to work around current issues or dead ends. That could potentially improve the life of a lot of people. Thinking medical, environmental fields here. It's a double-edged sword though. China's involvement in the technology is bone chilling. I can only imagine what they would use it for...
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