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Old 08-02-2015, 12:06 PM
Sylvain (Jon)
Stars Chaser

Sylvain is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Sydney
Posts: 294
I think you are absolutely correct. This hobby quickly takes you in when you realise what it actually means. You get a glimpse of the immensity of the universe, barely able to imagine how big it is and how small we are. it never ceases to amaze me. I find it a great time to reflect and it puts things in perspective I have found.

I also agree, it is easy to get carried away and get aperture fever. I have been down that road myself! And sure, I have enjoyed the greater aperture, but with greater aperture comes greater setup time, extra lugging around and I found that it took away some of the spontaneity of observing the wonders. Just knowing there is a long setup ahead of the photons hitting your eye, sometime made me not want to observe at all. For me, bigger is not always better. This definitely is a very personal thing though! I am now happy with my smaller form factor, quality setup

And look, you have 130mm of aperture, which is more than what most of us had for our first scope! Mine was a modest 114/900 newtonian. In your case, it is likely there is more to gain by fine tuning your telescope, especially the collimation - which is the alignment of the mirrors - than upgrading at this stage.

Clear skies!
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