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Old 12-01-2010, 01:21 PM
el_draco (Rom)
Politically incorrect.

el_draco is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Tasmania (South end)
Posts: 2,315
Can't comment much about the R.C. because I dont have one but I am told they are anything from "ordinary" to "great" depending on how much you are prepared to spend.

Quality of the optics is the key, as alway, and a very good quality scope costs a lot. The GSO R.C.s are good, but they are mass produced and so the quality is somewhat less than perfect. I have heard that they are harder to align and the bigger central secondary obstruction can be an issue. The first series released had a problems with focusers according to the grapevine.

I use a C11 on a Losmandy G11 and its a pleasure to use, but it also has issues around primary mirror movement and smaller F.O.V. I added a good quality electronic focuser so that I can rough focus using the "very ordinary" focusing knob on S.C's and then fine focus electronically. Its a good arrangement. I am about to start imaging with this system so I can't comment alot about the imaging side of it yet but if the visual results are an indicator, I'll be happy. A casual look on the net will show you a wealth of excelent C11 images.

You also have the option of adding a "Hyperstar kit", (U.S. $1k), to the C11 giving it an F ratio of about 1.8. You cant use it for visual observing in this configuration but the photographic results are pretty amazing.

Visually, the C11 is great and easy enough to move around if you are careful. I can see detail in most DSO's with my system but some of the larger objects, like M42, wont fit in the F.O.V. of a low mag eyepiece.

Planetary detail is excellent and I get the "walking on the moon" feeling when I go there. I have just picked up a Powermate and hope to try that out soon.

Of the SCT's, the C11 seems to be the best. Meade has been getting a lot of bad press for variuos reasons, but most users seem to like the C11.

Hope this helps

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