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Old 03-08-2021, 12:21 PM

JA is offline
Join Date: Oct 2016
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 2,976
Entertaining >>>> £700 vs £7,000,000: Astrophotography Shoot Out

Hi Folks,

Here is another entertaining astro based video on the likes of modest amateur v Multimillion dollar Observatory astro setups, for your consumption from a very engaging and talented Youtube presenter: "Astrobiscuit".

It's an interesting premise that given the limitations imposed by atmospheric seeing, a large observatory grade optic, whilst clearly ahead in light collection area, may not be that much better off, in terms of resolution, than maybe a 6inch or 8inch or whatever amateur sized scope.

The only part I don't overly agree with is that the 5s or so exposures will beat the seeing compared with much longer traditional exposure techniques. Whilst a 5s exposure may contain fewer fluctuations/cycles from good to bad seeing than say a 5 minute exposure, it still does not "beat the seeing" entirely as the frequency with which the seeing varies is considerably higher than could be "frozen" in say a 5s exposure. Just take a look at a good high res moon video to get an idea that the frequency is well into/past the say 5-10Hz range. Still, the 5s exposures v several minutes may be enough to have some effect. Who knows personally..... without trying (and controlling for all the possible variables)?

Anyway enjoy the view. and don't take it all too seriously.


Last edited by JA; 03-08-2021 at 07:49 PM. Reason: added 3rd paragraph
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