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Old 14-07-2021, 01:40 AM
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pmrid (Peter)
Ageing badly.

pmrid is offline
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Cloudy, light-polluted Bribie Is.
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I have done fresh calibration frames but of course the weather has put a stop on anything further.

However, I did spend a couple of hours charting the positional change of some stars on the edges and lo and behold, they moved in a way that corresponded with that progressive artifact. Ergo, the artifact is hot pixels that are not being taken out by dark frames and the stacking is working on the brighter stars and so the uncorrected hot pixels do their little march.

So, it is some sort of alignment error coupled with a sensor on its last legs. I have spent a couple of hours today repositioning the mount, getting it level, doing a fresh polar align and rebalancing (yes, slightly E-heavy) so it is ready for a run if the sky clears.
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