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Old 07-08-2010, 03:00 PM
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Terry B
Country living & viewing

Terry B is offline
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Armidale
Posts: 2,789
Looking at your unclabrated frame there is some vignetting in the left upper corner. It looks like frosting on the corner of the frame.
As for flats, they are tricky to get correct. I use CCDSoft rather than maxim but the process is the same.
I have a white board on the wall of my observatory and aim the scope at it. It is lit either by a light aiming at the opposite wall or just on an overcast day with the even illumination that that creates in my observatory.
If you use a T shirt you have to be carefull that the front of the scope is evenly lit and nothing partly shaddows the T shirt like a dew shield.
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