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Old 14-08-2014, 07:38 AM
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mental4astro (Alexander)

mental4astro is offline
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M22 globular cluster

Thank you Sab and Jen.

Sab, the thousands of tiny background stars is something added in the cool light of day. Just pecking away with a sharp pencil, and constantly, again and again and again resharpening it. These tiny stars are not accurately portrayed unless there are specific concentrations I would have made a note in on the original sketch. It is the brighter and more significant patterns that can be laid down with some degree of accuracy. Same with M22 below. Most of the time spent on M22 is in the multitude of stars that are significant - and that is a bloody lot of them. But the tiniest pinpricks are added afterwards to give the necessary depth to the sketch.

This was the second sketch I completed at this year’s Astrofest.

M22 is a true jewel of the night sky. This giant globular cluster from a dark site it can be a naked eye object as well. It is large enough for even smaller telescopes to resolve its multitude of component stars, revealing its large and intense core.

M22 is beautiful in my 17.5” scope. It is very different from Omega Centauri and 47Tuc – could even describe it as the ‘runt’ of the giant globulars as its core is not as busy as its bigger brothers. But the component stars of its core are absolutely brilliant, arranged in so many signature patterns. It is slowly turning into a favourite of mine with its understated brilliance, loud without being overbearing presence, and sitting on a magnificent carpet of the Milky Way glow.

I won’t say much here. I’ll let M22 do its own quite whispering of its magnificence. Yeah, I think one firm fav of mine now…

Object: M22 globular cluster
Scope: 17.5” push-pull Karee dobsonian
Gear: 22mm LVW, 91X
Location: Linville, Queensland, Australia
Date: 24th July, 2014
Media: Soft pastel and white ink on A4 size black paper
Duration: approx. 2.5hrs
Attached Thumbnails
Click for full-size image (M22 - LR.JPG)
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