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Old 22-08-2022, 11:27 PM
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Peter Ward
Galaxy hitchhiking guide

Peter Ward is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: The Shire
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Hamacher also blithely states, as established fact, that life on Earth was seeded by extraterrestrial impacts.

Fred Hoyle, re-championed this dubious theory from 1903 albeit somewhat later in the 20th century, and would have been proud!

Hamacher goes on to say there are ancient tales of a baby (aka life) falling to earth as a blazing star and creating all life and this was known by indigenous populations long before Western science came to the very same conclusion.

And Gosh. Why was western science so slow?

But research this year led by Elisa Biondi, at the Foundation for Applied Molecular Evolution shows both cases above are rubbish.

Biondi's groundbreaking 2022 study shows that long RNA molecules, 100-200 nucleotides in length, form when nucleoside triphosphates do nothing more than percolate through basaltic glass.

It is a simple process that would have occurred both on the early Earth and Mars. The experiment is so simple that it could be performed in a high school chemistry lab.

No need for the chemistry of life to be acquired from extraterrestrial baby impacts.

You'd think a guy with "Graduate degrees in AstroPhysics" would know better.
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