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Old 24-11-2021, 09:17 AM
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mldee (Mike)
Photon sorter

mldee is offline
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Near Warwick, Qld, Australia
Posts: 651
OCAL collimator has arrived

My OCAL collimator arrived yesterday, and tested functionally OK with a NUC. For those not familiar with this gadget, it is claimed to be for reflector-based OTA collimation using a highly calibrated focusser -mounted camera, USB coupled to software on your laptop or smartphone to allow accurate lineup of secondary and primary mirrors.


There are a few factory intro videos on Youtube, featuring the most nauseous music and random bird twitterings ever made, and a new user-generated Youtube video is now posted,, which gives a slightly clearer description of how to go about things.

I haven't yet had a chance to do a real collimation check due to weather, but it seems to be good quality, with a user-friendly approach, sort of like a combination of an electronic Cheshire and Howie Glatter concentric rings, basically done in software. Watch the above video to get more of an idea, although I confess that I found the tester's approach a little "flexible". But at least he's tried his out, which I have yet to do.

I'll post a review after trying it on my 10" f4 Newt. After that I want to try my 8" RC. Yes, Peter, still trying to get the damn thing adjusted....
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