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Old 09-05-2020, 11:59 AM
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cometcatcher (Kevin)
<--- Comet Hale-Bopp

cometcatcher is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Cloudy Mackay
Posts: 6,542
Nebula don't really care about aperture. Aperture is for faint stella objects. Nebula pics come faster with low F ratio, though you can get them with any F ratio, if you have the time. Scope quality is probably the biggest issue, as we all like to push process our images until imperfections show. The better the scope, the less imperfections.

You WILL want a good mono camera. The camera is half the optical train. No OSC ever comes close to a mono. You will also eventually want narrow band for nebula, and filters... There goes the bank account.

I would probably go with a refractor with a little longer focal length, and use a reducer for wider stuff. That way you get the best of both worlds in one scope.

I was looking at the Starizona 065x reducer also for my F9 refractor to get it to f5.85. Would love to know what the quality is like, and the effective corrected image circle.
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