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Old 23-06-2021, 09:46 AM
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xelasnave is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
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Alternate medicine etc etc

Is it me or is there an increase in the quacks peddling alternate "medicine"...I mean, and given what one can turn up on the net I avoid being specific, it seems quacks are running rampant.
Someone linked me to some "doctor" a chiropractor? ( Anyways not a real doctor by any stretch) who tells this wife got cancer so me and some of my scientist mates ( no mention of qualifications fields etc just a unsupported claim) grew some cancer in a petrie dish and tested what would kill it and after a couple of weeks worked out something in , some vegetable???, would kill we can offer this stuff at $29-95 ....

Wow and my pills cost $300 a day and I expect are the result of years of research and testing by real named scientists...I must be a fool not to send off my $29-95.

This is but one...there are so many.
Now years ago I thought these folk were prosecuted as frauds..well if not in the past certainly today they should be..hunted down, hung drawn etc and worse for a second offence.

Imagine if you threw away your meds given to you by one of those fancy book learning doctors only out there to make money from their favour of your proven $29-95 sure cancer cure...mmm now cant anyone see the serious damage these snake oil vendors can cause?
More sinister than first degree murder in my book...yet as I said nothing seems to be done...why?

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