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Old 10-07-2013, 09:31 AM
Profiler (Profiler)
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Join Date: Feb 2009
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Hi Peter

If you are:

1) In a light polluted area

2) Want to use something conveniently in your backyard (which is light polluted)

3) Want something easily portable

4) Want something that cools down superfast

5) Want something that is primarily for VA only

6) Want something primarily for looking at planets and double-stars

I would recommend a good quality doublet refractor. You wouldn't even really need a 120mm refractor. When you want a light-bucket use your Dob

In line with Phils comments the TSA-120 has be considered by a few Tak experts I have met as probably the best refractor Tak has made all variables considered. However, it is expensive and is certainly designed for AP purposes - that is - to go well beyond VA and also be superb for AP purposes as well. If money is not an issue then simply buy a top shelf refractor such as a TSA. However, if you can specify your variables about exactly what you want then you can certainly get something else (i.e. smaller) which will certainly do the job and cost less. For the variables you have mentioned a good quality doublet around 100mm would give you the best bang for your buck and images through the EP.

Last edited by Profiler; 10-07-2013 at 02:28 PM.
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