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Old 23-09-2019, 11:49 PM
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Peter Ward
Galaxy hitchhiking guide

Peter Ward is offline
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Originally Posted by Camelopardalis View Post
So...what you’re saying is that a mono sensor, with a colour filter over the pixels, is more sensitive than the same sensor with a colour filter array over it? At the pixel level? Are you sure about that?
Of course at the individual pixel level, when filtered they are virtually the same.

But that misrepresents the reality of what goes on at the focal plane.

With a mono sensor you have more pixels collecting signal in the wavelength you are interested in.

Instead of one pixel in a Bayer cluster (4 pixels) picking up say red photons, you have four. i.e. 4x more detected signal for the same incoming flux.

P.S. There is no free lunch here. With a mono sensor you get more detected signal in R,G,B and even more so in Narrow band
(as you are not uselessly pre-filtering a filtered image) But you have to make 3 exposures to make a colour image...and that takes time.
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