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Old 21-02-2015, 08:41 AM
Alchemy (Clive)
Quietly watching

Alchemy is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Yarra Junction
Posts: 3,044
Don't see a problem, if Sony discontinues, probably some Chinese company will pick up the pieces, or another will add to its line, supply and demand will create the market, and anyways technology is continually changing, I'm sure they were upset when they stopped making glass plates for photography, or Kodak stopping film was an end of an era, no doubt some yet to be revealed method of imaging will be better in the future, the fact someone drops out creates opportunities and possibilities for others.

20 odd years ago a 1-2 megapixel camera was incredibly expensive, now everyone has one 10 times better in their phone which is a disposable product.

The future WILL give us products that make today's best chips redundant.
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