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Old 24-09-2005, 04:21 PM
fringe_dweller's Avatar
on the highway to Hell

fringe_dweller is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Adelaide
Posts: 2,623
Mate its all about fun number #1 (it has to be coz there is little or no money in it - so it cant be for any other reason? LOL) and maybe personal satisfaction #2? you could swap these two around maybe. if you get those two things from your 4300 than that is all that matters. I dont want to be responsible for discouraging anyone from trying things. I love my CP 4500 for afocal moon/sun/planetary stuff - no lap top required - simple - i will never stop using it for certain jobs.
But then if you want to kick butt for Bigtime Glory and mass peer admiration in close-up hubblesque shots - then you need a quite a few money jars to raid.
I used to be a luddite widefield film only hard head - but I have changed my tune greatly in the last few years. quality film slr bodies are a dime a dozen these days - it would be a cheaper short term option maybe? - till you get your new digital set-up. you need dark skies to use film generally tho - hard to remove LP from film shots - if not impossible.
Could you post a link to the type of images you would like to be taking - that would give us a better idea of the direction you want to head in.
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