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Old 05-04-2013, 09:43 PM
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Screwdriverone (Chris)
I have detailed files....

Screwdriverone is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Kellyville Ridge, NSW Australia
Posts: 3,306
Hey Mike,

Another question about camping near your gear.....

I understand that you can on the observing field, but what about the imaging area?

I am pretty much going to stay in imaging the whole time and I saw a few shots with imaging rigs near camper-trailers in the pics.

Is this OK or is it strictly camping only on the lower observing field?

Just dont want to be lugging things back and forth between the tent and the scope and if set up for a run and I fancy a cuppa etc, don't want to leave the scope all by it's lonesome or during the day stuck out like a sore thumb with no "owner" nearby. I know the environment is friendly etc, just feel better if I have the gear close by to where I may be sleeping....

Edit: also, can I confirm that I can pick up the T shirt I ordered with the IISAC registration, when I am there? I did order least I am pretty sure I did?


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