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Old 31-03-2018, 01:25 PM
glend (Glen)
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Join Date: Jun 2013
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Chris it can have some benefit. I used to shoot Ha with my Canon 450D - however it was modded to be more Ha sensitive. Any OSC could probably do it, but you may need longer subs for sure. You won't be sky limited with an Ha filter on your camera, so 300s subs could be useful, assuming you have good guiding. Do your normal OSC subs, and then put on the Ha filter and shoot something like 12 x 300s subs. Then stack your OSC subs in DSS or whatever you use, and do the same for the Ha subs. That will give you two registered and stacked Tiff files. You will then need to register these two files, to align them for combining. DSS can do it easily, just put those two files in as lights, nothing else needed. In the parametres you want to select "register akready registered files" this will align these two (OSC and Ha) files against each other. In DSS intermeadite files, you can tick save a .reg file, if you want, but the input files will be registered against each other anyway - its just a way to avoid naming confusion.
Then layer your OSC and Ha registered files, and colour Ha as you please. When Ha is layered with RGB layers, i always make it a slightly different shade when i colourise it, this insures that Ha nodules, in targets like M83 standout from the typical RGB image. You can also try boosting the saturation or brightness. Hope that helps.
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