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Old 29-12-2022, 08:05 PM
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mura_gadi (Steve)

mura_gadi is offline
Join Date: Apr 2019
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Posts: 829
Applying finer grits


Thought I post this as I found it very useful and easy to apply.

Previously I have been using the squirt bottle and fine grits 1600+ using a milky mixture and spreading the mix out by finger tips. Then slightly lifting the tool/mirror and twirling to even out the grits out further. It was fairly obvious that even with the twirl the grits were still concentrated in places. As the wet progressed it become more obvious and the wet normally stopped due to the areas of concentrated mix.

Using a thicker mixture closer to a single pouring cream and place a coin sized puddle# in the middle of the mirror, lower the tool down to spread the mixture out to the edge. I have a glass tool so it very easy to control the spread out visually and found that the mix was very evenly distributed. The wet lasted a lot longer due to not having concentrated mix areas. Using this technic I was able to use 14000 grit as the final pre-polish grit and that sped up the flash polish by a huge factor. *

Another bonus is the initial hydroplaning dissipates a lot faster and the grits start to work a lot sooner. A technic well worth trying imo.

Wouldn't work with tiled tool, but a +1 for a glass tool.

*This is not my idea but I can't find the text I was reading to quote the original author
#I was using about a $1 coin size puddle for an 8" mirror.

Ps. Well I have been polishing for under three hours now, mostly MoT and the mirror passes the laser test to within about 15mm of the edge. Will change over to ToT for the next session. Well under 3 hours to pass the laser test start to finish so far, (Big smile), so much less time than it took me from 2000 grit first time round.

Might get the first born under the tester before I go back to work in the New Year... Will keep going on the polishing after I get a good laser test edge to edge as the inverted 25mm EP still shows the occasional spot.

Hopefully TDE will be bearable and not take an age to work out.

Last edited by mura_gadi; 31-12-2022 at 03:22 PM.
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