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Old 31-10-2023, 02:53 PM
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mldee (Mike)
Photon sorter

mldee is offline
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Near Warwick, Qld, Australia
Posts: 653
Just a quick note on the Laser. I wouldn't go down the DIY route, been there, done that. Life's too short for that! Too many factors to consider in coming up with a successful design. I have a Farpoint unit, built like a battleship, pinpoint laser spot and perfectly collimated, with a 2" body. However, quite expensive from the US.

It is possible to find good quality lower cost ones that also include the return laser 45degree body target (highly desirable) from the reliable astro shops (looking at you Bintel) or even Ebay or used on IIS. Perhaps if you call them they can make some recommendations.

Maybe some IIS readers also have some recommendations. Without a good laser you're really making it hard for yourself, and no, the Takahashi Collimator doesn't sit well with poor eyesight and it's just or more expensive than a good laser.

I'll do a more detailed post on my recommended toolkit for doing the RC (Makes me sound like I'm an expert - NOT), just that my experiences with this very unit go back to 12 years ago of trying to collimate units with Pmrid (Peter) at his dark sky property. We both gave up in frustration. I now have 20/20 hindsight and the right tools!

Looking back, the reasons for me were lack of knowledge, lack of correct tools and lack of decent information out there.

As to OCAL, Google is your friend, Basically an electronic camera with specialised chip-and-software version of the Tak unit, that allows you to see everything on a big screen. Not difficult to use, but takes a few goes to get your head around it. It's the last daytime kitchen table tool before the StarTest!

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