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Old 22-07-2013, 03:58 PM
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Paul Haese
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Originally Posted by Star Hunter View Post
Mate, your and I go way back and we both had a great time during the start-up SEQAS. You were my star Astrophotograohy student. The times we and other membersspent at the Manly Obs. shooting film left, right and centre...remember Dave Larkin? Davo is stiill vertical and send his regards..

With the Lodestar, will it work just as good on its own with PHD or does it work better with say the SXVR M25C (which I have on order from AEC). I've got my Starizona C14 Hyperstar (tapered model) up for grabs on Gumtree so if I can sell that off, it will pay for the Lodestar.

BTW, do you know of anyone who has used or is using, the SBIG guider? I know its expensive but SBIG never fault on their products. Will call you tonight.

Ah yes those were the days, falling asleep at the guider EP. Things have changed a lot in the interim. Say hello to Dave for me.

Do I know someone using an SBIG guider ? Yep me. I have two of them and each works really well and connects perfectly. It takes darks automatically and that improves its ability to pick a guide star.

I can't help with the loadstar but as I understand it they are very similar to the SBIG ST-I (almost carbon copies), based on what I have experienced with the SBIG I would say the Loadstar would be a good buy too.

Give me a call tonight.
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