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Old 14-03-2013, 01:11 PM
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gregbradley is offline
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I can see the attraction - full frame, autoguiding solution in front of the filters, AOL integrated into the system, nice autoguiding camera with the STi.

I think SBIG is on top of its game again. Fast downloads, image buffer, clean digitisation, low noise. Yep, that's been the FLI advantage for the last few years and its now been caught up with. Now FLI's lack of autoguiding, AO and integration makes them not necessarily the best choice anymore.

My only comment is flex isues with heavy imaging trains. On a CDK the focuser is built like a tank and is unlikely to be an issue but AG12 - well, you really need to have a low weight MMOAG type solution or stick to an SBIG STT8300 style setup (limits FOV though).

As far as I can see with AG12 your best bet is FLI Microline 16803 and filter wheel, MMOAG and SBIG STi guider. As far as an AO device, perhaps the Starlight Express large unit if there is enough backfocus left (probably not). But then an AG12 would not need an AO unit so much at 1100-1200mm focal length.

The Microline has 95% of the performance of the Proline but nearly half the weight. I don't think anyone else has such a high performing lightweight 16803 based camera. Perhaps Starlight Express? Although I doubt SE quality is up to FLI's standards but that is simply an opinion.

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