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Old 23-01-2013, 06:37 PM
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RickS (Rick)
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Originally Posted by originaltrilogy View Post
So colour camera is really twice as sensitive for same target. Plus save lot of processing time.
LRGB imaging with a mono camera is generally always going to get you data quicker than with an OSC camera (assuming a sensor of similar performance). Here's why: a filter works by blocking photons. With an OSC camera every pixel has a filter and the sensor only sees a proportion of the photons falling on it. This is true of a mono camera with RGB filters as well, but the magic happens when you collect Luminance. In this case you are using a clear filter and the sensor sees all of the photons, at least all those corresponding to visible light (the clear filter may be IR blocking). The L part of LRGB is more efficient than an OSC can ever be and the RGB part is effectively the same. Hence the LRGB combination is overall more efficient.

The disadvantage of a mono camera comes when your imaging run is curtailed by weather or whatever. If you get only 60 minutes of OSC data you might be able to get an image, albeit not a great one. If you get 45 minutes of Luminance and 15 minutes of Red then you don't get anything...

BTW, I don't think that processing OSC data is necessarily any easier. To do it well you generally need to process the Luminance and colours separately anyway.

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