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Old 06-01-2013, 01:12 AM
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mental4astro (Alexander)

mental4astro is offline
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: sydney, australia
Posts: 4,979
Ed, my apology for not responding earlier to your beautiful sketch of M33. Things here have been very tough for observers for a very long time, and it had been getting depressing for me to come to the Obs forum when I hadn't been able to add in a contructive manner. It is staggering that you are able to see so much detail in M33 with just a 6" scope. I had been hoping to sketch M33 too, but the poor conditions killed that chance for this season. I'm glad you've been able to though!


Below is my first DSO sketch since April last year. Not my best effort, but it was good to get the blood and pencils moving again.

A perpetual favourite is M42. And it is deceptively difficult to sketch. With the lack of practice, I'm a little flat in my technique. But, it felt so good to get to do a sketch again.

This is also the first sketch and serious use of my modified 13mm Hyperion. An orthodox 13mm Hyperion displays terrible pincushion in a very fast Newtonian. I changed the Symthe field lens for an ordinary 2X barlow lens and the difference is staggering - a lovely flat FOV, tack sharp stars, and the eye relief that I was concerned about not once did it become an issue. I am most impressed now with this EP now. I was impressed at how extensive the observable nebulosity was, and from home in Sydney too. Oh so soft and faint extensions of the famous scallop shape nebula were to be seen, and the more I looked the more I saw. A very good night for Sydney skies.

Here's hoping that this coming new Moon will finally give us the long expected and awaited clear night's observing...

Object: M42 & M43
Scope: 8" f/8 push-pull dob
Gear: Modified 13mm Hyperion, 62X, OIII filter
Date: 5/1/2013
Location: Sydney, Oz
Duration: 1.5hrs
Media: White and black charcoal & ink on A4 sized black paper
Attached Thumbnails
Click for full-size image (M42, Sydney, 5-1-13, 8in.jpg)
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