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Old 13-09-2012, 07:24 AM
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Hi Troy,
I'm not exactly sure now about what happened -
but from memory:

I know that both USB cables for the QHY9 & the Lodestar were plugged into my laptop.
I know that I went to the setup camera tab & selected camera 2 as the Lodestar first.
I then went to the connect tab & connected it.
I then went to the exposure tab & made sure that camera 2 was selected.
I then took exposures in the exposure tab.
For some reason the exposure preset box was set to LRGB.
That is impossible because a Lodestar does not take LRGB & immediately -
although the QHY9 was not even connected -
the filter wheel started to move & the QHY9 started taking pictures - NOT the Lodestar.

In other words Maxim DL was able to control the wrong camera without
even having it connected!

I'll have to try & recreate it on the bench so maybe I'll be able
to make some screen shots.

Note - this did not happen 11 days ago when I first used both cameras in Maxim DL.
At that time I was controlling the Lodestar & couldn't get it to read anything but noise.
I didn't know then, about the screen stretch window to stop that.
I wasn't expecting a new problem this time.

Therefore - so far - Maxim DL has scored 0/10.
It has not been useable at all.

The main function I am looking to get from Maxim DL is dithering of frames
which PHD guiding cannot do on it's own.
Luckily Ezycap - the program that came with the QHY9 camera -
always worked perfectly straight away without having to read any help notes or watch any videos.

Anyway - at least I obtained & processed my first LRGB Ha pic.
Processing LRGB is easier than processing DSLR photos.
With 16 bits you don't need to use HDR toning!

Also: I had bad dust doughnuts on my pics & I discovered that
my secondary mirror is filthy.
I cleaned the primary when I moved it up last weekend but never
bothered to look at the secondary.
My next job is to clean up the secondary & try to center it better.

I will get this system right - one step at a time.

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