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Old 02-08-2012, 09:19 AM
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Originally Posted by DavidTrap View Post
I've not seen it with my QSI583.

Paul - why did you change to 1x1?

I know you asked Paul but if I can butt in. There is a regular debate about 1x1 on all channels veruss 1x1 on luminance only and 2x2 on colour.

The usual reasons for 2x2 on colour is that colour does not have sharp edges and more fading edges whereas luminance has sharp edges and requires extra resolution.

So 2x2 speeds up the acquisition process and also if you have poor seeing you are not losing anything anyway.

But for maximum resolution and in areas of good seeing and on objects where you want maximum detail (galaxies for example or globs or structures in nebs) 1x1 gives that extra. Its more suited to someone with a permanent observatory as the extra time required to get noise free channels is not so much of an issue.

Additionally some desaturate the RGB and add it to the luminance for a slight bit extra omph. I have not noticed that that technique adds much but every little bit counts.

1x1 is a moot point if you have poor seeing and you may as well shoot everything 2x2 especially a small pixelled camera like the 8300.

Not all cameras get the same gain on 2x2 but there always seems to be a gain. It isn't 4X though more like 2.0X. Richard Crisp did a paper about this recently measuring an 8300 chip for 2x2 performance. As I recall it ended up about 2X better signal to noise ratio using 2x2.

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