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Old 17-06-2012, 09:13 AM
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gregbradley is offline
Join Date: Feb 2006
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Ah yes I found it.

Terry Cuttle.

Here are some links:

to the Cairns website:

To various software to control your DSLRs/SBIG cameras (2 are freeware but one is only for Macs one for PCs: freeware for Macs.

I am thinking a solar filter for my AP140 and a planetary camera like Paul Haese and Peter Ward used for the Venus transit.

Plus a DSLR setup using a short focal length scope and filters and a mount.

Its a lot to travel with though.

What if you get all this stuff ready and its a cloudy day?

Cairns is tropical far north Queensland and I wonder how often it is cloudy there in November (I suspect its cloudy a lot).

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