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Old 09-06-2012, 08:34 PM
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gregbradley is offline
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One issue with the KAF8300 is that it doesn't bin very well. The horizontal shift register isn't much deeper than a single sensor element, so if you try to squeeze binned data through it you will see short horizontal blooms on bright objects. If the Sony chip does this properly then that might be a point in its favour.


Interesting problem Rick. I have never seen any issues with my FLI ML8300 in that regard.

The small wells of the 8300 mean that bright stars do bloat quite badly in long exposures in fast systems. I counter this by using 5 minute subs instead of my usual 10 minutes. I have seen that. Now you have me wondering. I'll have to check some of my older images to see if the Luminance bloated or only the colour (I usually image colour 2x2 and luminance 1x1).

The FLI ML8300 would still be at the top of the camera list. SBIGs latest offerings may be as good or better when you consider autoguiding etc.

My experience with Starlight Express so far is they are more 2nd tier manufacturers - good not great. FLI is great, Apogee is pretty good, QSI has lots of fans, SBIG are now back in the mix with lots of new products.

Lots of choices.

If it were me the wish list would still read:

FLI Microline
QSI 6 series with OAG or

I would not get an Orion or other brands unless money were tight and I was forced to.

You can get a 2nd hand ST8300 from Astromart "pretty cheaply".
Like $1500.

The KAF8300 is the best current chip in its class as far as I have seen. The Sony is quite unkown/new so it will be hard to get comparative data. I have yet to see a Sony chip match the KAF8300 so unless its way better than their earlier offerings you are pretty safe with chosing the KAF8300.

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