Thread: Real beginner
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Old 13-04-2012, 03:00 PM
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Searching for Travolta...

Suzy is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Brisbane, Australia.
Posts: 3,700
Okay, so I'm almost nearly embarrassed to post the following- if you keep scrolling, you'll see why. It's so ridiculously long!

Ken (Ballarat Dragons) suggested I should re-use my other previous mammoth post in the future, so it made sense. Therefore the following post is a combination of cut and paste from that post of mine plus I've added lots of extra stuff.

I'm wondering if this would serve better as an "article" in the Projects and Articles section on the left hand blue menu bar. Mike, what do you think? Would it be a useful addition there? There seems to be nothing in there for helping beginners get started.
Guess I'd have to remove all the emoticons grrrrr, lol (oooh there is life after emoticons aaahaha.

And also that way, a simple link can be used to access all this information.
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